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AS HARRY AND CASSIE MADE THEIR WAY BACK to the castle, the boy didn't speak

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AS HARRY AND CASSIE MADE THEIR WAY BACK to the castle, the boy didn't speak. Cassie tried talking to him, but he couldn't bring himself to answer, and Cassie understood. He was in shock, he just found out Sirius Black was his godfather, and he betrayed his parents. Cassie would've been the same way he was if she was in his position. So, instead of trying to start a conversation, she let her thoughts wander.

She didn't understand how she knew the truth, if it was the truth, but she gathered it was as nothing made sense to her. Well, it made sense, the whole story that was out about Sirius Black, but she couldn't bring herself to believe it. There was something in her mind that stopped her believing. There was something in her mind that kept bringing up Halloween all those years ago.

Baby Cassie and Callie were sat on a leg each of Sirius', as baby Rowan and three year olds Aurora and Azalea were sat in the middle of the living room. Rowan was laying on his stomach, staring at Remus who was sitting on the floor with a piece of chocolate in his mouth.

Sirius bounced the youngest pair of twins on his knees, ignoring the feeling swirling around his stomach. Something bad was going to happen, he knew it. "I'm going to go to put these two into bed," Sirius announced.

Remus and Francesca looked at him. "Thank you for being here tonight, Pads," Remus said, "It was nice to have another pair of hands around here, it's been so hard taking care of all the kids with a newborn baby to look after, too."

Francesca nodded along, "Yeah," She agreed, "Rowan keeps us up all night, and Aurora and Azalea get up at six in the morning, luckily we have two calm children, we just needed a bit of help with the feeding."

Sirius grinned, "I love helping out with them anyway," He said, "You guys know that." With that being said, he took the twins upstairs to their bedroom, placed them into their cot, and sat on the chair. Callie was basically asleep, but Cassie was looking at Sirius, her hair was a light blue colour, she was sad and something was definitely wrong.

Sirius looked at Cassie, "Something's wrong, isn't there?" He said, frowning as he rubbed his temples. He couldn't figure out what was wrong, but the words that Cassie said told him all he needed to know.

"Prongs," she said, tears strolling down her face. "Lily, 'Arry,"

Sirius sprung out of his seat, his eyes wide. "Cassie," He said, bending down so he could look at her. "If anything happens to me, anything at all, Peter was the secret keeper, and I know you won't remember it now, but you will in the future." He gave her a kiss on the head, before giving Callie a kiss on her head. "Just remember, uncle Pads loves you both so much, okay?"

And with that, Sirius ran. He left the Lupin residence, not knowing he wouldn't see them again for twelve years.

The dinner at Hogwarts passed, and Cassie sat at the Hufflepuff table for once, with Cedric talking her ear off about things she had missed in the time she had ditched him for the Gryffindor's. Cassie could feel Dumbledore's eyes on her, he knew that Cassie knew the truth, he was waiting for her to come clean and tell him.

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