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( chapter warning , suicide attempt warning )

CASSIE DIDN'T JOIN THEM WHEN THEY WENT TO HAGRID'S, instead, she sat herself in the library with a copy of Romeo and Juliet, reading it

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CASSIE DIDN'T JOIN THEM WHEN THEY WENT TO HAGRID'S, instead, she sat herself in the library with a copy of Romeo and Juliet, reading it. She hadn't really spoken to Hagrid much before, besides, she wasn't close friends with them, not like Callie. She didn't want to drag herself into everything her friends got up to. About an hour after she started reading, she saw someone enter the library. Harry. What on earth was he doing?

When he spotted her, he sat himself opposite her. He told her about everything that happened in Hagrid's, telling her how they spoke about her to him. Hagrid liked Cassie, according to Harry. He said she was a sweet girl, and was the only one that enjoyed his lessons. It wasn't a lie, Cassie adored his lessons, more than any other lesson. Meeting Buckbeak was one of Cassie's favourite memories.

Harry looked at Cassie, his eyebrows furrowing together. Her leg was bouncing, and her lips had been bleeding from the amount of times she picked them. "What's wrong?" He asked her worriedly.

As soon as he asked that, she couldn't help herself. "I think Black is innocent." She blurted, noticing the way Harry's face was filled with confusion, and hurt. Before he could say anything, she said, "Here me out; There must be a reason he didn't go mad in Azkaban, and that could be the fact that he knew he was innocent. He knew he was going to somehow get out of there, he had hope."

Harry frowned, "Cass," He said, "He betrayed my parents, he is the reason they're dead. He didn't go mad because he was already mad before, you heard what Ron said in the common room, all they found of him was his finger."

Cassie sighed, "Look, I don't know how I know this, but I do, okay?" She said, "Sirius was at mine when your parents were killed, I was the one that told him they were dead. He left to go after Pettigrew. Pettigrew was the real secret keeper, they switched because Black would've been the obvious choice. He didn't kill Pettigrew -- Pettigrew either blew himself up, or cut off his own finger to make it look like he had died."

Harry pursed his lips, "You sound crazy," He told her, "No, you are crazy. There is proof that Sirius was the one that killed Pettigrew, you heard the minister -- there were muggles that saw it. To think something else --"

"Harry, I saw it."

"You're insane!" Harry told her, "You are clearly insane."

Cassie frowned, looking down at her hands that she had been scratching anxiously. "You don't believe me," She said quietly. She didn't blame him, though. She knew she sounded crazy, but he should've trusted her.

"Cassie..." Harry trailed off, eyes filled with worry. "What you saw -- it was probably one of your nightmares."

"Yeah, probably," Cassie muttered. She knew it wasn't one of her nightmares, it was too real to be one of her nightmares, but then again, all of her nightmares felt real. She closed her book, before standing up. "I need to go do something, I'll meet you up in your common room."

Harry watched her leave, everything in him told him to follow her, to believe her, but she was a girl he met a couple of weeks ago, and in the world he grew up in, he couldn't trust anyone.


CASSIE HAD LEFT HARRY IN THE LIBRARY an hour ago, and she didn't want to join them in the common room. He thought she was crazy, he probably told the others what she thought, they all thought she was crazy too. Ignoring the pain in her chest, she turned down the corridor.

She saw Azalea smirking at her, wand in her hand. "Well, well, well..." She trailed off. "Where are the others? Ditched you completely, have they? That's a shame."

Cassie wasn't in the mood to deal with Azalea, so she turned around and walked in the opposite direction. "Don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you!" Azalea exclaimed, making Cassie groan in annoyance. "I'm just simply saying how I feel bad for you, I really do. You have no friends, do you know how sad that is?"

Cassie stared at the ground. "If I were you, I would've ended life years before I came up to Hogwarts... Y'know, it would probably be best if you did it, nobody would care anyway." And with that, Azalea walked away.

Cassie felt the tears in her eyes roll down her face. Azalea was right, she knew she was. She included herself into Callie's friendgroup and they clearly seemed to not want her around, they're probably only friends with her because of Callie. The girls in her dorm only spoke to her because they pitied her. Francesca have ignored every letter Cassie sent to her this year, maybe she was fed up with the girl. Remus left, he left because of her, and she understood why. She didn't blame him.

Before Cassie knew it, she was at the top of the Astronomy Tower, one small step and it would all be gone. All the pain, it would all disappear. Azalea's words hurt her more than she cared to admit. She thought back on all of the times Azalea and her friends made comments about her, she knew they were true. As the tears rolled down her face, she let her mind wander to Remus.

Even after all of these years, she loved him. She needed him. She needed her mum. She needed Aurora. She needed Callie. She needed Rowan. She needed Forrest. She needed Azalea, too. After everything, Cassie still loved Azalea, even as her older sister's words slowly pushed her to the edge.

In the Gryffindor common room, Harry and Callie were getting restless. It had been a while now, and there was no sign of Cassie. Hermione and Ron were worried, too, but they done a good job at hiding it. "I'm grabbing the map," Harry said, rushing to his dormroom to grab the map.

"She's probably fine, Cal," Hermione said, though her voice shook and they all knew Hermione was worried, too.

"Y'know that bad feeling you get when something's going to happen," Callie said, eyes filled with tears. And as soon as the tears rolled down her face, she knew. "Something bad have happened to Cassie."

A/N: Slightly shorter chapter, so I apologise for that. If anyone ever feels like they need to end their lives, just remember that so many people in this world love and care about you so much. If anyone ever needs a chat, I'm always a message away!
QOTD: what do you guys think happened?
AOTD: it's in the next chapter!

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