Chapter 2

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Hours later, Boy slumped in his seat, slowly falling asleep.

When a door shut, he snapped awake. Blinking, Boy looked around, having forgotten where he was.

"Please," Lucius said coolly. "Come in. We have just finished going over young Mr. Potter's tests."

Boy sat up straight, terrified that he failed. "Did I pass?" He asked quietly.

The five people up at the big table laughed.

Boy deflated. They were laughing at him. He failed.

Sir rubbed his forehead. "I'll take him home, then."

"Oh, hush James!" The witch on the left said, still chuckling.

"I apologize, Lady Longbottom," Sir said, seemingly calm. Boy knew that look though. Sir wasn't calm at all. "Please continue."

"Lord Potter," Lucius began. "Have you ever cast a spell both wandlessly and wordlessly?"

Sir cleared his throat. "One or the other, but not simultaneously. May I ask why?"

"Your son has done both," Lucius said with a smirk. "Simultaneously."

"What?" Sir demanded. "That's bullshit. It's not possible!"

"James!" Lady Longbottom cried out, shocked. "What is the matter with you?"

"I am wondering the same." Lucius said. "Why exactly did you express concern over your son's ability to function above the level of a five year old, when he is clearly advanced for his age? I wonder how well your other son performs, if this is what you consider below average. Is the Boy Who Lived able to sit for his OWLs? If that is the case, I would like the name of your sons' tutors."

Sir gaped at them. "What do you mean? Of course Jamie isn't ready to sit his OWLs! He's not even eleven yet! Are you mad?"

Boy hugged himself, wanting to go back to his floor of Sir's house. Why did he think leaving was a good idea again?

Lucius paused. "We will be sending a revised supplies list for Mr. Potter some time before his birthday."

"Revised list? Why?" Sir asked through clenched teeth and a smile.

Lady Longbottom looked at the others in bewilderment.

Boy stared at his shoes, thinking about how misleading they were. They were good quality shoes, but clearly well worn. The funny thing was, before today, Boy had never worn shoes before. He'd never had to. It was a strange feeling, but he couldn't imagine walking around outside without them. Before today, he'd never walked outside either, so it didn't make much difference.

He'd actually had to use magic to tie his shoes, because he had no idea how to do it otherwise. Jamie didn't have any books on tying shoes.

The other people talked with Sir for a while, but Boy stayed silent and perfectly still, in hopes of avoiding Sir's anger. Even if the people couldn't see it, Boy could.

"Lils, where's Jamie?" Sir asked, still feigning calm as he stepped smoothly out of the floo.

"Spending the night at the Burrow, why?" Came the bored reply. "What took so long anyway? I thought you'd be back after a couple of hours. How long could it possibly take to find out that he's a waste of space?"

Boy was trying to figure out how to get upstairs without being seen. He didn't get very far.

Sir grabbed his collar tightly, pulling him toward the stairs. Sir was able to move a lot more quickly than Boy.

Boy couldn't breathe, and he was pawing at Sir's hand, desperate for air. He couldn't keep up with the furious pace. Every time Boy would lose his footing, Sir would pull up on his collar, bringing him back to his feet to start the process all over again.

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