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TO SAY REMUS LUPIN WAS WORRIED WOULD be an understatement. His leg was bouncing up and down anxiously, his bags under his eyes were visible, and his nails had been bitten to the point they were bleeding. Tears were streaming down his face, and Madam Pomfrey kept checking on him every second.

When he heard panting, his head shot up. He spotted Callie, Rowan, Azalea and Aurora standing at the doors to the hospital wing, with Professor McGonagall, Harry, Hermione and Ron behind them. Callie knew something bad had happened, she told Hermione and Ron. And when Harry came into the common room with the map opened, showing Cassie in the Hospital Wing, she knew what had happened.

Her thoughts were confirmed when Professor McGonagall entered the Gryffindor common room. She had tear-filled eyes as she said, "You four must come with me," and that's when Callie broke down completely.

She couldn't stop herself from crying as they grabbed Aurora and Rowan, she couldn't stop crying when McGonagall found Azalea, and she couldn't stop crying as they entered the hospital wing. Ignoring what McGonagall had said, Callie ran forward, throwing herself into Remus' arms. Aurora and Rowan soon followed. Yes, the three were mad at him for leaving, but they all needed each other in that moment.

Azalea didn't walk up to the hospital bed, she was motionless. She couldn't feel anything, she felt stuck to her spot knowing she caused this. She didn't cry. She just stood there.

Poppy approached Remus and the other three Smith's. "Is she going to be okay?" Rowan asked, his voice cracking as Hermione, Harry and Ron slowly approached them. "Please tell me she's going to be okay."

Poppy sighed, "She will be okay," She told them, "Your father saved her life, if he didn't follow her up to the Astronomy Tower, she wouldn't be breathing right now."

The three kids looked at their father, before hugging him tighter. Words couldn't describe how they were feeling, but maybe their actions could. Remus knew by this time tomorrow they would all be back to hating him. He hated that the only reason his kids loved him right now was because he had saved Cassie's life, he was the reason she was still breathing.

"When will she wake up?" Aurora asked Poppy, not taking her eyes off Cassie's body. She was incredibly pale, she was unresponsive.

Poppy pursed her lips, "Hopefully tomorrow morning," She told them, giving them a sympathetic glance.

Callie pulled herself out of Remus' arms, her eyes darting to Azalea and her eyes narrowing. When Azalea made eye contact with Callie, she looked afraid. Callie approached her, ignoring everyone else's calls. Azalea held her breath, knowing what was about to happen.

"You're such a fucking bitch," Callie spat harshly, "You made her do this, didn't you?"

Azalea shook her head. "N -- No, I didn't."

"You fucking liar!" Callie exclaimed, ignoring Harry trying to pull her away from Azalea.

"N -- No, I didn't do anything, I --"

She shoved Harry off her, before raising her hand and slapping Azalea across the face. The sound echoed throughout the hospital wing, and Azalea's face was red. "What the fuck?" Azalea said, placing her hand against her cheek.

"You are so lucky it's not just us here, Azalea," Callie stated, "Because I would do much worse than just a simple slap across the face. Now get the fuck out before I make you."

Azalea, not saying anything else, turned and left the hospital wing. She knew she deserved it, but it still hurt her. She didn't think Cassie would actually listen to her. But she did, and she messed up big time.

When Callie turned around, she immediately felt someone's arms wrap around her. Harry held onto her tightly, letting her sob into his shoulder. He felt the tears in his own eyes, but he didn't cry. Everyone else was crying, he needed to stay strong.


HARRY HAD FORCED CALLIE OUT of the hospital wing, as he knew her staying in there was making her worse. The more she saw Cassie's body on the hospital bed, the worse she became. She needed fresh air. He couldn't imagine the pain she felt. Sure, he felt pain, he wanted to cry, but Callie was her twin, she felt much worse than he did.

He was only in love with Cassie... No, he was not in love with Cassie.

Callie sighed as Harry led her throughout the courtyard and towards a bench so they could sit down. The blonde looked at the brunette. "You can cry if you want to," She told him, making him look at her. "It's okay, I'm not going to judge... I know how you feel about her."

Harry's jaw dropped. "What?"

Callie looked at him, "You're in love with her," She told him, "I'm not stupid, or blind. The way you look at her is the way Fred looks at Aurora, it's the way my dad used to look at my mum; Nothing but pure love and adoration shining in your eyes."

Harry looked away from her. She was right, he knew that. He had known he had feelings towards Cassie since that moment in the kitchens, where she used her metamorphmagus abilities to change her appearance so she looked like him.

"Y'know, Cal," Harry started, the tears flowing down his cheeks now. "You amaze me. The way you notice every single detail about everything and everyone, I could never be as observant as you."

Callie chuckled softly, shaking her head. "No, I know," She said, "If you were as observant as me, you and Cassie would be dating right now."

Harry looked at Callie in confusion. "What are you on about?" He asked her, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. His mind was spiralling with thoughts, and he was beyond confused.

Callie pursed her lips, as much as she wanted them together, she wanted it to happen in their own time, when they're ready. Plus, Cassie haven't recognised her feelings for Harry just yet. "You'll have to figure that out yourself." She knew Harry wouldn't, there are multiple reasons he wasn't placed into Ravenclaw.

Harry sighed, "The last time I spoke to Cassie, I called her crazy and insane. I upset her and I knew I should've followed after her, but I didn't."

Cassie knew he felt guilty for what had happened, he did a terrible job at hiding it. She turned so her whole body was facing him. "It's not your fault, Harry."

A/N: So a bit of a depressing chapter, but this was a bit of a wake up call for Azalea. She realises what she's been doing is clearly affecting her family, but that doesn't mean she changes. She might change, she might not. Guess you'll have to continue reading to find out. Anyways, this family have been through a lot, and it only gets worse in the years to come! ALSO you guys should totally comment questions that you'd like me to answer and I will do that in my question of the days!
QOTD: what is one thing you guys would like to see in future chapters?
AOTD: let me know!

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