Chapter 8

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"Alright, Buh-Harry," Penny said sternly. "Let's hear it. What did Malfoy want?"

Olive and Amelia looked at each other in confusion.

"It was just an invite to their annual Yule Ball." He shrugged.

They waited.

"And?!" Olive prompted impatiently. "What did you say?"

"I accepted," he said simply.

He was startled by the overlapping questions and their gradually increasing pitch. "What is wrong with you guys? It's just an invitation!"

"To the Malfoy Yule Ball, Kitten!" Olive said excitedly. "It's the social event of the year!"

"You'll look smashing in dress robes!" Amelia said happily.

Boy's eyes bulged. "I don't have any!"

Penny snorted. "You still have time to buy some, Buh-Harry. It isn't the end of the world."

Buy some? With what money?

He bit his lip, trying to figure out how to make some more money. What little he had was already spent on Christmas gifts for his friends and their boy/girlfriends. "My father isn't fond of Lord Malfoy," he said, happy that he was able to call Sir his father without stumbling. "I'll need to come up with the money on my own. Can you guys help me schedule more people for the 'salon'? I don't have a match this weekend." He gave them puppy dog eyes and stuck out his lower lip.

"Kitten," Amelia snorted. "You're pretty much booked. The only way to get more people would be to open up shop a couple hours early. You might be good, but you also need to sleep sometime."

"Yeah," Olive agreed. "You're already in the Great Hall for breakfast by exactly seven on the weekends. Those days are supposed to be for sleeping in."

Boy felt guilty. "You all get up early to have breakfast with me, don't you? Even though you want to sleep in? That isn't necessary at all. I've always gotten up around dawn, but there's no reason for you to do the same!" That may not have been completely true, but... well, it is now. Back in his attic, he did wake up briefly when the sun came through the window, but he usually went back to sleep for another two or three hours. Here, he was up at dawn out of necessity.

"Mornings do suck," Amelia smirked. "But we like hanging out with you more."

Penny and Olive nodded.

"Besides," Penny said, tugging her hair into a ponytail. "It'll be good practice for next year, since we won't have classes together, Mr. Boy Genius."

This time, his pout was real. He hated thinking about next year. There was no way he wouldn't do his best on the OWLs, but he just wasn't thrilled with the idea of advancing beyond them. On the other hand, it would be nice to learn some new things. But was it really worth not having his friends nearby?

"Whatever you're thinking," Olive said, catching his attention. "Quit it. You're too cute to look so sad."

He smiled. It would be okay. His friends would make sure of it.

Sir, (he couldn't bring himself to say 'dear')
The consent form must be filled out by tomorrow, or they won't let me stay.

Short and to the point. There was no need to write out a long winded letter to Sir, other than to waste precious ink.

Catching up with Amelia, he asked her to show him where the owlery was so he could send his note. He couldn't call it a letter, and he didn't particularly mind.

"Sure," she said sweetly. "Come on, Kitten."

In the end, she had to let Bear carefully carry him up the ice-slicked stairs.

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