Chapter 12

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Madam Pomfrey placed two potions on Boy's dinner tray. He recognized the anti-inflammatory one, but he didn't know what the second phial contained. For one thing, it was more than twice the standard size. The other difference was that the phial was made with a dark blue glass.

"What's this one?" He asked her, pointing to the strange phial.

"For anyone else's ears, it's a vitamin supplement."

"And for my ears?"

"Two ounces of Professor Snape's blood." She answered quietly, despite being the only two people in the room. "Until your overall health straightens up, you'll need to take it with every meal. After you feel better, you'll only need it once per day."

The thought of drinking blood, anyone's blood was nauseating. "I really don't want to drink that."

She took a seat on the edge of his bed. "How about this? If I take the stopper off the bottle, and you still don't like the idea, we'll figure something else out. Alright?"

Biting his lip, Boy reluctantly agreed. There was no way that... that... oh, wow. "Smells so good," he said, utterly captivated in an instant. His stomach growled fiercely. There was a sharp sting in his upper jaw, but it was gone as quickly as it came. Hands shaking, he reached out for the phial. So warm. Without a second thought, he upended the little bottle into his mouth. And groaned. It was the most incredible thing he'd ever tasted. The rich, sweet taste exploded on his tongue and seared down his throat and settled in his belly, sending pleasurable tingles throughout every inch of his body.

Dizzily falling back into his pillow, he gigged. "Am I vibrating?" He giggled more at his silly question. Of course he was vibrating! He could feel it! "Are you vibrating too?"

Trying to hold back her own laughter, she just nodded.

"S'nice, is'nit?" His bones felt like goo and he didn't care one whit. He could happily spend his life as a noodle-y pile of... well, noodles. "Noodle-y," he mumbled, giggling harder at the odd word. "Noodle-y noodle-y noodle-y nooneld-noodelity-noonles... what was I sayin'?"

"You were saying how sleepy you are," Madam Pomfrey lied, using a cough to hide the chuckle that slipped out.

Boy's eyes lit up suddenly and he smiled broadly. "Hiiiiii guys!"

Madam Pomfrey giggled, turned to see the three Ravenclaw girls, then went to her office.

"Uh... heyyyy, Kitten?" Olive said, unsure. "What's going on?"

"Oh!" Boy gasped loudly. "Penny! 'Melia! I haves real bad news. I can't marry you!"

"Yeah?" Amelia asked, playing along. "Why's that, Kitten?"

Penny just smirked.

"Purfess'r Snake says I'm a somohex- no, a hosumexsh- he says I'm gay too." Boy was struggling with his words, but it was okay. The floaty feeling was too nice for him to care.

"Is that so? Well, if Professor Snake says it, it must be true." Penny snorted. "Hey! If it is, that could be why he was allowed into our dorms. What do you think, Buh-Harry? Am I on to something?"

"C'mere," he whispered loudly, his arm flopping as he tried to wave her over. "I hab a secret. Did you know my name isn' Buh-Harry?"

"Oh?" Penny bit the inside of her cheek. "So, what is it?"

"'M Boy," he said with a little yawn. "'M not Harry either. Sir says I can't tell no one, but yur nice. You won' tell no one. Did you know my middle 'nitial is E? D'you know what it means?"

Penny's urge to laugh tapered off somewhat. "No, I don't. What does the E stand for?"

"Dunno," he shrugged. "It w's on my letter."

I'm not a kitten... Okay, I'm KittenWhere stories live. Discover now