Chapter 19

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Groaning, he flopped back into the pillows.
The Ravenclaw girl smiled at him. "You're changing things, you know? It's already begun."
Koty looked at her in confusion, but didn't get a chance to reply, as the matron began examining her.


"Hi, I'm-"

"Koty Malfoy," the girl said with a satisfied sigh. "A much better name than you had before. My name is Luna Persephone Lovegood."

It clicked in his mind the second she announced her name. "Oh! You said that you were a veela in the Great Hall, right? I thought you looked familiar." The slightly silvery shine in her platinum hair made him think of his dad and brother. "Lovegood? I think that makes us cousins, doesn't it?"

"It does," she confirmed, still paying Madam Pomfrey no mind as her delicate wrist was wrapped. "My father is your father's half brother. He took my mother's last name when they married, as our grandfather thought him too strange to carry the prestigious name of Malfoy."

"That's awful!" Koty cried out indignantly. "Even if he is strange, that's no reason to remove someone from your family!"

"Oh, it's alright!" Luna said cheerfully. "We're each other's best friends! And since Daddy isn't stuck at the Ministry with everyone else, we get to travel a lot. We found a Gulping Plimpie in Berlin that snuck away from the rest of the colony, but it left before we could take a photo. It was a lot of fun!"

"What's a Gulping Plimpie?" He asked, unfamiliar with the term.

Over the next hour or so, they talked about all manner of strange creatures, even after the salve had fully absorbed into Koty's knee.

Eventually, the door to the infirmary was pushed open.

Koty glanced up, only to grin broadly. "Hi!" He called out happily. "What are you doing here?"

Narcissa, Lucius and Draco hurried (because Malfoy's don't run) to the newest Malfoy's side.

"I was going to ask you that very same question," Lucius said pointedly, eyeing Koty.

"Wh-?" Koty began in confusion. "Oh! My leg was a bit stiff is all. I would have left, but I was having the most fascinating conversation with cousin Luna!"

"Why would you want to talk to Loony Lovegood?" Draco sneered.

Koty and Narcissa frowned, but recognition shone in Lucius' face.

"Lovegood? You're Xeno's daughter?" He asked in surprise.

"Hello, uncle Luke," she said dreamily. "Daddy said that you used to be swarmed with wrackspurts, but now that grandfather is gone, they seem to have mostly left you."

"Well," he said, taking a seat on the edge of Koty's bed. "You certainly are Xeno's mirror image. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Ms. Lovegood."

She giggled as Draco gaped.

Narcissa subtly dragged him away, probably to scold him for whining about Luna being a 'complete nutter'.

After a bit of friendly chatting, the Malfoy family said their polite goodbyes to Luna and began the descent toward the dungeons. As neither one of Koty's parents cared much for the Headmaster, they were going to use Professor Snape's floo.

Apparently wanting a 'neutral but private' place to talk, they wound up at a very high class restaurant that was covered with privacy wards. Koty learned that one of the types of wards made people's faces completely unrecognizable to anyone outside their party. Even the wait staff couldn't tell who they were waiting on.

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