Chapter 20

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When Koty woke the next morning, he stayed in his bed, reflecting on the things that Bastien had told them. He stared at the light grey ceiling, noticing for the first time that there were constellations painted on it in a shimmery silver.

It was after nine by the time his dad showed up to tell him to get ready for breakfast.

"Koty?" Lucius' voice came after a light tapping echoed through the room.

Without a second thought, Koty simply waved his hand and the double doors swung open to admit his dad.

"You are awake," he said with a smile. "I was beginning to wonder if Draco's habit of sleeping to lunch was rubbing off on you."

Koty had been awake for several hours now, just thinking about everything. "No, I'm up," he said with a long sigh. "I've just..." he let his voice drop off to nothing, unsure.

Lucius sat on the side of the massive bed. He gave his son a strange look and bounced on the bed a bit. "Your bed is much more comfy than mine." For good measure, he bounced a bit more before settling and giving a chuckle. "So, what have you just...?"

"How come all this stuff," he scrunched his nose with distaste. "Has to happen to me?" Letting out another sigh, Koty sat up and Bear snuffled sleepily, adjusting himself. He winced, shifting his wings.

"Are you alright?"

"Something's sticking me," he replied, trying in vain to reach whatever was stabbing his wing. "Can you see what it is?"

Lucius smiled in understanding as soon as he took a look. "You need preening," he explained easily. "I will floo Severus before you get breakfast, all right?"

"What? Why?" Koty asked, happy to avoid talking about the whole hybrid king thing for now. "You and mum have both touched my wings before... I don't understand."

Leaning back onto the massive pile of pillows, Lucius pulled his socked feet onto the bed, essentially lying next to his son. "Preening is considered to be somewhat..." he hesitated. "Intimate. As such, the majority of people are unable to go against their instincts to allow anyone else..." Groaning, he massaged his temples. "I'm not explaining this very well. Perhaps we should ask Cissa for assistance."

If it would get the thing jabbing him out of his wing, Koty was willing. Having already done his stretches in the loo when he first woke up, he scooted to the edge of the bed and let out a surprised yelp when he was picked up. Immediately, Koty wrapped his arms around his dad.

"Do you think I'll be able to fly someday?" Koty asked, resting his cheek on his dad's shoulder. He went to stretch out his wings, but winced when he was jabbed again.

"With wings like those," he began, kissing the top of Koty's head. "You'll be able to fly to Antarctica."

Koty just giggled. "That's just silly." Why would he want to go somewhere so cold?

Lucius scoffed, lifting his nose. "I am not now, nor have I ever been silly." To emphasize his point, Lucius puffed up his cheeks and scrunched his face.

Forgoing the polite giggle completely, Koty burst out laughing at his dad's goofy face.

"Good morning, you two," came an amused voice.

"Morning, mum!" Koty said, catching his breath.

"What's got you so worked up?" She asked with a content smile.

"No idea," Lucius said playfully. "I think he's caught some of Luna's Three Horned Giggleflies or some such silliness."

Koty gaped. "You were making faces!"

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