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ON CHRISTMAS DAY, CASSIE WOKE up to Callie and Aurora jumping onto her bed with wide grins

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ON CHRISTMAS DAY, CASSIE WOKE up to Callie and Aurora jumping onto her bed with wide grins. She groaned, pushing them off her, and they landed on the floor with a loud THUMP. Aurora groaned, "Cass, I love you and all, but it's Christmas, Come on!

Cassie rolled her eyes, "I don't care, leave me sleep!" She turned on her side, "Besides, I only have five presents to open, it will take me five minutes."

Hermione frowned, only five? She looked at Cassie's present pile. "Cass, what do you mean five?"

"Five," Cassie answered, "Same as the past two years."

Aurora frowned. No wonder why Cassie would open her presents in her bedroom, she was ashamed that her presents were from family, and just Cedric. She was ashamed that she only had one friend.

"You have way more than five," Callie said, placing all of her gifts onto the bottom of the bed Cassie was currently laying in. "Honestly, take a look yourself."

Cassie groaned and sat up, her eyes widening at the sight of the presents on her bed. "Woah," She muttered, "Who are they from?"

"I guess you'll have to open them to find out," Aurora stated.

So, Cassie sat up. "I have so many," She muttered, "I don't know where to start."

Callie smiled, grabbing a gift and passing it to her twin. "Start with this one."

Cassie peeled open the gift, her eyes widening once she saw who it was from. "It's from Lee," She said, it was a book filled with swear words and insults. "In case you forget what to say when you're commentating with me." She read with a small laugh.

Aurora handed her the next one. Cassie peeled open the wrapping paper. "This is from Cedric." She told them, showing them her bracelet. "He made us matching bracelets, he's done it since I was in first year."

Hermione found a more squared package and passed it to Cassie. Cassie opened it. It was a box of chocolates, "I'm not sure if these are still your favourite, but I know you enjoyed them when you were younger." As she read that aloud, she felt the lump in her throat. They were still her favourite chocolate.

She opened the rest of her presents. Off Rowan, she had a new oversized t-shirt with the muggle disney character Dumbo on it. Cassie absolutely loved Dumbo. From Aurora, she had a notebook that she could write her feelings into. The notebook would then try to help her, it was like a counsellor, which Cassie really loved.

Her next gift was from the Weasley twins, it was a bunch of joke products, and Callie absolutely loved the note, that she suggested that Cassie should frame it, it read 'Use these on that bitch Amanda or whatever her name is... the one that's your evil sister'.

Her gift off Ron was a packet of cauldron cakes, which Cassie ate as she opened the rest of her presents. Hermione had gotten her the book Little Women, Cassie had been wanting to read that for a while. Her mother had gotten her a bouquet of flowers that sing songs, when they first started singing, Cassie was startled, but she thought it was funny and loved it.

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