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The door swung open and I was faced with bright smiles from the 4 guys. I was the last one to get there. I felt a little awkward, but they quickly pulled me inside. I looked down and even saw a dog running around all of our legs. Yeonjun had a dog?

I heard the door shut behind me, not really knowing who had shut it since I was too focused on the dog that was letting out occasional barks to get our attention since we were all clearly energetic so why not be energetic with the dog.

"You have a dog?" I asked Yeonjun as he let go of my arm. The house was cozy to say the least, a little bigger than mine.

I think the dog was a German Shepherd, or at least a dog that looked super familiar, but Yeonjun nodded quickly, leaning over to kiss the dog's head as he squeezed the dog's face between his hands, "His name is Ambrose but we call him Amby."

The dog's tail was wagging back and forth quicker than the speed of sound. I giggled. Oh, to be a dog, no worries in the world, getting all the love and attention you'd ever need from one person. That was all I ever wanted. Plus, dogs never had to go to school and they could sleep all the time.

I bent over and patted the dog's head, "Well hello Amby." I smiled at him as his ears dropped, his mouth open as he was panting. I'd never had a dog. He was cute.

"Let's go upstairs to my room." Yeonjun said, leading the guys up the stairs. I was still down with Ambrose, standing up once Taehyun ran up the stairs, skipping every other step. Ambrose turned and ran up the stairs too. I was left alone in the entryway of the house. Everything about the house seemed bigger. Not just the layout, but the feeling I got while there. It felt like an actual house.

Sure, my house had my family which I loved dearly, but it didn't have a house look, more like a dinky old apartment that was the size of a house. This place had family photos, baby pictures too, pictures of Ambrose and pictures of people I assumed were distant relatives.

I heard shouting coming from up the stairs, so I decided to finally follow them, walking quietly up the stairs. Kai ran out into the hallway to see me walking up the stairs, "There you are!" He ran down the stairs, meeting me halfway before grabbing me and pulling me up the rest of the way.

The grip he had on my wrist reminded me a lot of the grip that Yeonjun had on my wrist in gym class before he suddenly let go. It was tight enough to get me to follow, or to stop what I was doing, but not to the point where it hurt.

When we finally got into Yeonjun's room, my eyes met his as he sat on the floor in front of the television he had. He was staring at me deeply, a glazed over look glossing his brown eyes. Soobin walked in front of him, obscuring my view of him for just a second, but once I saw him again, he was looking at the television, reaching over to turn it on.

"Who wants to play?" Everyone looked over to Taehyun who was holding up some CD for some game or whatever it was. I wasn't much of a gamer so I had no idea what it was.

"Yeah!" They all said in sync as they all threw themselves onto the floor to sit beside Yeonjun, leaving me standing alone by the open door.

Kai looked over at me, then at Soobin, "There's only 4 controllers though." He muttered as he grabbed them from a drawer under the TV.

"It's fine, I'm not much for games anyways." I shrugged, a soft smile on my face, lifting my hand to my head to twirl a little bit of my hair around my finger. The looks they gave each other gave me a sense of relief. They weren't going to push it.

Lights Are Missing : beomjun/yeongyu ‼️Where stories live. Discover now