Story 1: THE HERO

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A long time ago, there was once a planet known as 'Grandioso'. This world was inhabited by superpowered humanoid beings who have made scientific and technological discoveries far beyond our reach. However, it's not all sunshine and rainbows, for their world was one where everyone was genetically bred to serve specific roles in society.

The people of Grandioso loathed every moment they lived, not being able to choose for themselves, until one day, when a Grandiosan scientist, named Vole, started to have feelings for a female colleague of his, named Tanah, and wanted to start a new life with her. She was immediately hesitant, and told him that'd be wrong because they'd be in trouble, but he believed that choice is important for social and societal improvement, and their naturally born child would bring a bright future to Grandioso.

Tanah thinks about this, and decides to date Vole. They go on dates together, they watch entertainment together, and after moving in with him, Tanah decides she wants to have a child with Vole.

In time, she becomes pregnant, and they named their child 'Helt'. But his birth was detected by technology used by higher authorities, then Vole and Tanah soon got a visit from a military general named 'Tyran'. Vole and Tanah would always hide Helt from Tyran, and his fierce determination to find him for a long time, pretending they knew nothing.

Eventually, the government detected that, due to unknown reasons, Grandioso's core has become unstable and could blow up at any point. Tyran goes to Vole's place to order him to build ships for everyone to escape in, but as he kicks down the door, into his house, he catches Vole and Tanah, playing with Helt. Tyran immediately noticed the baby, and demanded that Vole tells him why they have one in their possession, then as Tanah runs and hides Helt, Vole tells Tyran that he has indeed co-produced with Tanah, and this little Grandiosan baby of theirs will be the first in centuries to be free to choose his own path.

However, Tyran gets immeasurably angry because he was made to enforce the rules at any cost, so he summons soldiers to hunt and kill Helt, but his parents protect him every step of the way, and using their powers to do so. But, due to everyone trying to take his life, it soon got too unsafe for Helt on Grandioso; not to mention, they can't raise him on a dying planet anyway. So Vole found some materials to build a pod, with an auto-pilot that detected the nearest inhabitable planet (which was Earth), and left a blue crystal in the pod, and when Tanah asked what it is, he said, "It's something special, that will be used in due time."

Hoping he would live a good life, they put Helt in the pod, and it took off... right before Grandioso exploded.

Then comes a montage of the pod flying through space, past planets, stars, and molecular clouds, before landing on the side of a road in Arizona; a passing driver named 'David Johnson' in his truck noticed the pod landing, and parked on the side of the road to investigate. He carefully approaches the pod, and slowly moves his hand across the surface, causing the pod to open. David is startled by the pod's opening, but then sees a baby inside, and his fear instantly vanishes. Wondering where this mysterious child came from, David takes him home.

David showed it to his wife, Nancy, and they debated on if they should keep the child. In the end, they decided that if they told people, they wouldn't understand, and do some not-so-good things with this alien baby, so they raised him. They didn't know the child's name was Helt, so they called him Trevor, and kept his pod hidden in the basement from him, and the world.

After this, comes a series of coming-of-age scenes. The first one is of him and his family at church, when he's 10 years old. After Pastor Wayne ends the sermon, David puts his arm around Trevor, and walks him up to Wayne.

DAVID: Excuse me, Pastor Wayne. Trevor has something he wants to tell you.

WAYNE: Well then, come sit with me, young Trevor!

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