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NOTHING ELSE THAT WAS INTERESTING HAPPENED over Christmas for Cassie, other than the fact Hermione had gotten Harry's new broom confiscated to get checked for jinxes

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NOTHING ELSE THAT WAS INTERESTING HAPPENED over Christmas for Cassie, other than the fact Hermione had gotten Harry's new broom confiscated to get checked for jinxes. Honestly, she could see where Hermione was coming from, if she was in their position, she would've done the same thing. But, she just knew Sirius was innocent, she tried telling Harry, but he called her crazy and insane, so she didn't bother telling anyone else -- if she did, they'd all think she's crazy.

Now, classes were starting back up, and Cassie didn't bother going to them. She woke up that day feeling quite ill, and when Megan came up to check on her, she let out a small scream. "Oh my -- Cassie, are you alright?" She asked.

Cassie was incredibly pale, her hair wasn't blonde anymore - it was a light grey colour, her eyes were very sunken and her lips were incredibly chapped. Cassie hardly shook her head. Megan reached down and helped her out of bed, "Come on," She whispered, "Let me take you to the hospital wing."

It took them a while, but they eventually got to the hospital wing. Poppy looked up at them, and her eyes widened. "Bring her over," She said, "Thank you for bringing her here, Miss Jones."

Megan gave Poppy a small nod before she rushed off to return to DADA, where she saw Professor Lupin waiting to start the class. When he spotted her, he smiled, "Megan, how nice it is of you to join us. Please take a seat, we're just about to start."

Megan took a seat, ignoring Callie's curious gaze. She wasn't supposed to be in that class, but she begged Lupin to let her miss potions and stay with his class, so he let her. "Psst," Callie whispered, "Where the fuck is my sister?"

Megan looked over at Callie, "She's in the hospital wi--"

Callie got up and left the class, making Remus pause what he was saying. He sighed, "All the time that is," He muttered to himself with a shake off his head, "Anyway, as I was saying..."

When Callie reached the hospital wing, she entered to see Cassie talking to Poppy. Cassie was crying, and Poppy looked like she was on the verge of crying, herself. "It just -- It feels so real, I can't sleep anymore, Poppy, and then because I'm not sleeping, I get ill."

When she saw Cassie was talking to Poppy, she quietly walked out. She hated how protective she was, but ever since that night she worried a lot more about her twin sister than before, she didn't want to live a life without Cassie by her side.

Poppy pursed her lips, "Come on," She said, "We're going to Professor Dumbledore."

The walk to his office was long, due to Cassie struggling to keep up with Poppy. When they got outside his office door, Poppy raised a fist and knocked, making the door swing open, to reveal Dumbledore with his legs placed up on his desk, and his colourful fluffy socks on full display. "I have to say, Miss Smith," He started, "that I absolutely love my Christmas gift from you." He placed his feet on the floor, "Please, take a seat. So, what brings you guys here?"

He knew why she was there, he knew everything.

"I'm afraid Cassie's nightmares are becoming harder to handle," Poppy said, before whispering something to Dumbledore that Cassie did not hear. "All of the signs are there, Professor Dumbledore."

Dumbledore nodded along to whatever Poppy was saying. "Miss Smith," He said, "Please tell me every detail of your nightmare, or one of your nightmares you've had before, if you're comfortable with it."

"Something is wrong, isn't there?" Sirius asked baby Cassie as baby Callie was half asleep. Older Cassie was standing in the corner, watching the interaction. Sirius rubbed his temples, he didn't know what was wrong - he needed to know.

Baby Cassie had tears streaming down her face. "Prongs, Lily, 'Arry."

Sirius sprung out of his seat, "Cassie," He said, bending down so he could look at her. "If anything happens to me, anything at all, Peter was the secret keeper, and I know you won't remember it now, but you will in the future." He kissed Cassie and Callie a kiss on the head, "Just remember, uncle Pads loves you both so much, okay?"

And then, he ran. He ignored Fran's and Remus' shouts. Cassie followed after him. The only lights in the street was from the lampposts. She almost lost Sirius in the crowd of people, but she soon found him, standing opposite Peter Pettigrew, surrounded by a bunch of muggles. Peter Pettigrew seemed to be sobbing.

Sirius, almost as if he was sensing somebody next to him, turned his head. "Peter is the secret keeper, not me, please remember that."

"Lily, and James, Sirius!" Peter was screaming. "How could you?" He reached for his wand, shooting a curse at Sirius, but it didn't touch him, in fact, it stopped right in front of him; Cassie had moved in front of him. 

Peter looked very confused, but Cassie could hear Sirius mutter her name under his breath. Suddenly, there was an explosion, and Peter Pettigrew was no longer seen.

Once Cassie finished telling him every detail of her most recent nightmare, Dumbledore seemed thoughtful. He whispered a few things to Poppy, before she rushed out of the office. "Madam Pomfrey is going to get you a sleeping potion, and you must listen carefully, Cassie." Cassie nodded, her leg bouncing anxiously. "You must not repeat your dreams to anyone, if it helps, you can write them down, but telling them to people will alter what was supposed to happen."

Cassie was confused, and her eyebrows were furrowed. "What are you on about?" She asked him, her lips pursed.

"Cassie," Dumbledore started, "You have three beautiful gifts, one that you know about; Have you ever wondered why you remember that night on Halloween, or why you've been getting so protective over Sirius Black?"

Cassie nodded, "That seems to be the only thing on my mind recently," She replied honestly.

"Well, you know you're a metamorphmagus, correct?"

Cassie rolled her eyes, "Obviously I do, sir."

Dumbledore felt his lips tug upwards, "You are also a seer, your nightmares are usually the future -- but, this particular nightmare about Sirius Black, it was the right nightmare to share with me, as every other nightmare is, unfortunately, the future."

He paused, and Cassie was impatient. "Wha -- What about this nightmare about Halloween?"

"Well, there is a reason why the curse Peter Pettigrew show at Sirius Black didn't reach him," Dumbledore said, "You are Sirius Black's guardian angel."

A/N: Sirius used to call baby Cassie his 'Precious Little Angel', and this is why. She is a guardian angel of more people, and Dumbledore knows exactly who she is the GA of, and I'm sure you guys should be able to figure it out!!!
QOTD: what is your favourite fruit?
AOTD: grapes!

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