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"This place feel quite positive!" exclaimed Shi qingxuan.

"This place is actually main land in cultivation world which produce Yang energy" told Wei wuxian as they both are wondering on the back Mountain of cloud recesses.

Lan zhan and Lan Jingyi were not with them anymore cause Lan qiren asked for their presences so, they couldn't accompany them.

"It's great for meditation" said Shi qingxuan as nowadays she got enough with Feng xin and Mu qing bickering.

"Yes, most of the disciples of Gusu Lan meditate here in morning " said Wei wuxian as one of them is his own son.

"BUNNY'S" yelled shi qingxuan and runs to catch one of the Bunny she Just seen.

"Wait, slow down" exclaimed Wei wuxian as she was running too fast, eventually will fall at this speed.

Shi qingxuan finally reached closer to one of the Bunny and about to lift him but unlucky made him fleed away.

"Why there are running from me?" asked Shi qingxuan as she humped,'How can can they resist her cute face'.

Wei wuxian chuckled at her but quickly turned normal after receiving a glare.

"Help me!" said shi qingxuan.

Wei wuxian nodded his head and now both were chasing after cute rabbits. The rabbits did never listened to Wei wuxian but only his husband and son. So, he decided to catch one no matter what.


Lan zhan and Lan Jingyi enters into Master Lan office. Lan zhan see that Baoshan sanren was also present there along with his son and his soon to be son-in-law. Both greeted and proceed to sit. Lan qiren servers the tea for them.

"Young Master Lan, I want to ask you something!" exclaimed Baoshan sanren.

"Mn" nodded Lan zhan.

"About Wei wuxian core" said Baoshan sanren with a serious face.

Lan zhan looks at his son as she was with them since past one hour. Lan sizhui simply shook his head, implying he didn't tell her anything. Lan zhan shifted his gaze towards her immediately as she began to spoke again.

"I can feel the gold core inside Wei wuxian is quite weak, in simple words he is no less than a medicore" state Baoshan sanren.

They all nodded their heads except Lan zhan as it's true. Lan qiren felt very guilty about his past behaviour towards Wei wuxian as now he knows that Wei wuxian was forced to use Demonic cultivation in order to protect himself with innocents. Lan zhan Just stared at her.

"I just got to know about Wei wuxian, his death and reincarnation! I was unaware till last week" said Baoshan sanren looking guilty.

"I wanted to help Wei wuxian to built-in a strong core!" Continued Baoshan sanren.

They all look towards her grateful, as it will be great if Wei wuxian will able to use his sword again.

"That's great!" exclaimed Lan qiren, no matters what, he cares about Wei wuxian deeply in his heart but always denied because of his mother.

"I am going to see Wei jiu using sword!" said Lan Jingyi, he looks really happy.

"But how Zumu?" asked Lan sizhui because in past two years Wei wuxian continuously did meditate but surprisingly it didn't effect Mo xuanyu's body golden core at all.

"Medicine! I made a medicine which can help to perform a core within three months!" told Baoshan sanren with a little smile.

The cultivators smiled and thanks the heavens but Lan zhan doesn't seem pleased at all.

"Let's go to inform Wei jiu" exclaimed Jin ling excitedly as he began to stand up.

"Wait Wei jiu is with Miss Xuan! On back Mountain" said Lan Jingyi.

"Well we can talk about this tomorrow" suggest Lan qiren.

"No!" said Baoshan sanren in a stern voice.

"Sorry?" questioned Lan sizhui as he got startled by sudden reply.

"I mean, Iam immortal!" exclaimed Baoshan sanren on which everyone nodded.

"Since When I gain immortality i never leave the Mountain where I live because I can't stay in cultivation world more than seventy two hours!" state Baoshan sanren.

"But why?" asked Lan jingyi.

"It's a condition for becoming immortal! And one of the other condition is that i can't eat any food!" replied Baoshan sanren.

The cultivators looked shock as they were unaware of the fact.

"I already spend one day in traveling and one for waiting for Wuxian so, now only one day left! That's why i can only stay till sunrise" said Baoshan sanren.

They all nodded in acknowledgement except Lan zhan.

"I first have to examine wuxian properly so that I can give him sufficient amount of medicine" exclaimed Baoshan sanren.

"Then what are we waiting for? I am going to call jiu!" said Jin ling and runs towards outside and Jingyi also run after him even though running is prohibited in cloud recesses.

"Wei jiu! Wei jiu!" Called Jin ling loudly, both Jingyi and Jin ling is searching for Wei wuxian as they really got excited and didn't wanted miss the apportunity. They both are really glad for Wei wuxian 'Wei jiu will able to use Suibian'.

After calling for numerous times they couldn't find Wei wuxian so they decided to go forward.

"Why can't I find anything on time" said Lan Jingyi.

"Me too" unknowingly Jin ling agreed as if he had payed a little attention he will never agree with Jingyi on anything.

"Wei jiu!" Called Lan Jingyi as he finally seen Wei wuxian, he and Shi qingxuan was running after rabbits and there was mud all over their robes.

Wei wuxian and Shi qingxuan stopped their hunting as they noticed juniors and went towards them breathing heavily which was caused by running.

"What happened?" asked Wei wuxian as reached their closer.

"Zumu want to talk with you about something important!" replied Lan Jingyi.

"Yes, and it's urgent lets go fast " exclaimed Jin ling.

Wei wuxian nodded his head and said "Xuan jie you can come with us!"

Wei wuxian really enjoy's her company as she reminds him of her shiejie and Qingjie, both at the same time.

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