Dexina: First Date

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After the Neverseen were defeated, Sokeefe happened and Litz(no I don't support the ship) Glam also happened.

Dex's POV

Dex thought he had planned everything perfectly, but he was still worried.

He hailed Keefe and asked him, "What if I mess up?"

Keefe just smirked and said, "You won't, this is my plan after all. Now, ask her. She's gonna take forever to get ready. Oh, and get her flowers, girls love those."

Dex nodded and hailed Biana, "Um. Hey."

Biana smiled her perfect smile, "Hi, Dex!"

Dex fiddled with one of his gadgets, while he gulped and readied himself for disappointment as he asked Biana, "Wanna go to Atlantis with me?"

"Oh! Um. Sure!" Biana replied, twirling the tips of her hair.

She is gorgeous. Dex thought to himself.

Out loud, he smiled and told Biana, "I'll pick you up at 5!" Then hung up.

Now, he just needed to find out which type of flowers...

Biana's POV

As soon as Dex said bye, Biana threw her imparter on her desk and started twirling around and giggling.

Fitz came over from his room to check on her,

"You okay?" He asked.

"Okay? I'm more than Okay! Dex asked me out!! Well, sorta but still!" Biana squealed.

Fitz smiled at his sister, "That's great!"

"Oh yeah! How was your date with Linh?" Biana asked him.

Fitz's smile widened, "It was amazing! Linh and I are now officially dating!"

Biana squealed again and hugged her brother.

"I need to go choose a dress, I wonder what color Dex would like. Oh! Sophie would know!"

Biana ran to the family's leapmaster and yelled, "Havenfield.'' The warmth felt perfect. A few moments later she arrived at Havenfield. She saw that Grady and Edaline were working in the fields, Biana waved and smiled at them they waved back.

Biana walked into Sophie's room to find her talking to Keefe.

"Um. Sorry to interrupt." Biana said.

Sophie fumbled with her imparter, red faced.

"I'll talk to you later Keefe, bye!" She said, clicking off.

"Um, sorry. It's just Dex asked me out!" Biana said apologetically.

Sophie's embarrassment disappeared, "Really?" She asked.

"Yep! Can you help me get ready?" Biana asked back.

"Of course!"

And the two girls set off to work.

Dex's POV

Dex fiddled a bit with the flowers he got for Biana, they were Dimmetines, () He knocked on the big doors of Everglen, nervous.

Fitz opened and nodded to Dex, "You better take good care of my sister or else, Diznee."

He gulped and nodded, already to the threats, he thought.

"Fitz! Stop being so rude!" Biana said as she appeared in Dex's line of vision and she looked... Absolutely stunning. ().

"You ready Dex?" Biana asked, smiling.

"Uh. Yeah." He said, handing her the flowers and fumbling with the crystal for Atlantis.

"Awww. I love these flowers!" Biana exclaimed.

"I'm glad." Dex gave her a relieved smile. Biana beamed back.

Fitz waved to the, about-to-be couple as they were whisked away by the warmth.


"So, what do you wanna do first?" Dex asked Biana as they leaped into the busy streets of Atlantis.

"Well, I'm starving." Biana replied.

"Okay then, let's go to a cafe." Dex suggested. Biana nodded in agreement.

After they had some ripplepuffs, Biana suggested they go shopping.

"I'm going to regret this aren't I?" Dex asked miserably.

"Of course not! Shopping is the best!" Biana said, dragging Dex to the store.

At first Dex protested and then he realized that Biana was holding his hand and blushed. Biana noticed and blushed too. They stood there looking anywhere but each other.

Then, Biana whispered, "We're still going shopping." Dex sighed.

After what seemed like hours of shopping, It was dinner time.

Dex and Biana leaped out of Atlantis and to Dex's home, Rimshire. Dex led Biana somewhere.

"Where are we going?" Biana asked Dex for the 400th time.

"You'll see" was Dex's only answer.

Finally after walking for a while and Biana 1000th 'Where are we going?' Dex answered, 'Here'.

"Wow." Was Biana's only response as she stared, open mouthed at Kelpies.

Dex grinned, showing off his dimples, "I know you've always wanted to see Kelpies come ashore."

Biana's shocked face turned into a surprised smile, "I can't believe you still remember that!"

"Of course! I just didn't know if you would like it. I didn't know what else to do and—" Dex was cut off by Biana kissing him.

Dex kissed back almost immediately, pulling Biana close.

The kiss was short and sweet, but it felt like an eternity, soft lips pressing against each other.

After the kiss, they just sat there, enjoying each other's company.

"Hey. Remember the time Sophie and Fitz were attacked by the shadows?" Biana asked, suddenly.

"Of course, it was horrible." Dex answered looking up at Biana.

"Well, I never thanked you for being there for me, you kept comforting me. You did even when I learned about Alvar. Thank you so much for that." Biana leaned on Dex's shoulder.

Dex put his arm around her and said, "You don't need to thank me for it, I should be thanking you. You revealed my mom's identity, it was sad, but if it wasn't for you I never would have figured out,"

And on and on they went sharing stories where they supported each other.

Eventually Dex asked, "Biana? Will you be my girlfriend?"

Biana's smile was like a million lights, "Yes! Yes! Yes!" she squealed, hugging Dex so tight he fell over.

"So, I guess I don't need to give you a necklace to bribe you?" Dex laughed.

"Oh, I want that too, please!" Biana asked.

Dex brang it out and said, "All yours!" ().

"It's beautiful!" Biana smiled as Dex put it in her.

Biana hugged Dex, then Dex leaned back from the hug and kissed Biana. They stayed like that for a long, long time.

Hope u liked this one! I love Dexina, Tiana...*shrug*.

I would love to know what ship u want me to write about next so!

See ya!

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