Chapter 1 Fired

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*"I hope i dont get fired. im trying to keep my job and also, this is how i basically pay ALL my bills, i can NOT get fired from this job."*

*He knocked on the door of the wooden house, which he had been told to meet El pato.*

El Pato: Quack quack quack quack, Quack. (Hello. Thank you for arriving to this location as you were provided.)

"So, what would you like to talk about? You said it was urgent."

El Pato: Quack quack quack quack, Quack. (Yes, come in please. Take a seat please,  Mike.)


*I sat down on the bench.*

"So why did you call me here, Mr. Pato?"

El Pato: Quack quack quack quack, Quack. (I wanted to talk to you about your job position.)

"Yes? What would you like to say?  I am quite busy at the moment."

El Pato: Quack quack quack quack, Quack. (I would like to say that you are Fired.

*I say the following.*


"What do you MEAN fired? i cant be fired. I play the main role of this whole server!"

El Pato: Quack quack quack quack, Quack. (You think YOU play the main role? i am your Boss. i play the main role.)

"i know youre the 'Main Role' "

*I did air quotes around " Main Role ".*

"But your hardly even here, so basically HALF of the members on the island dont even know you. Im doing YOUR work."

El Pato: Quack quack quack quack, Quack. (Hand me your mask.)


*I huff in a fit of frustration, as i give it to El pato.*

*Under my mask i had been wearing thin black glasses with yellow contacts. i was wearing the contacts in case my mask slipped, and revealed my identity.*

"Seu louco."

*i say, walking away in anger.*


*I was sorting through my chest, organizing and such. I hear a knock at my door that left me wondering who it could possibly be.*

*I walked over to the door, opening it.*

"Who are you?"

*I Speak.*

"Its me pac, what do you mean?"

*It sounded like Mike but i wasn't too sure.*


*The person said the following.*

"I'm the Lorax. Who do you THINK i am??"

*i  responded with;*


"Yes, Pandejo.."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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Pac e Mike AUWhere stories live. Discover now