chapter one / / not stalking- just researching

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chapter one


"As anyone could see, Lee Taemin, a member of a Korean group SHINee for many years, was a man who became many girls' fantasies everywhere in the world and even he himself was surprised at the fact that anyone would find his very existence to be satisfying enough for people to dream about. From the way he breathes to his skill as a performer, fans described everything as if he was a god that isn't to be troubled with. In other words, he was percieved as an example of perfection from everyone all around the world. Everyone must follow his steps and learn from his ways, many people say and as usual, fans worldwide and even idols have agreed that Lee Taemin is indeed a perfect example of an idol."

"What kind of bulls*** is this..." I mutter quietly as I read out a recent article from a random website about a so-called perfect human.

Not that I had a sudden interest for this person, but the title of this article just made me laugh and caught my eye for certain reasons. 'Lee Taemin: Too Perfect For This World', it says. Please, no human in this world is actually perfect as people claim him to be. It isn't that possible at all.

Then again, who even cares about what I think?

I finally remove the article from my browser, and sighed, seeing more than thirty tabs in my face, which were all about Lee Taemin. Shaking my head, I turn my laptop off and placed it gently on my coffee table, which doesn't even have a cup of coffee.

I sit up from the warm couch in my living room, breaking my position that I held for more than six hours. I stare off into space for a while, thinking about my pathetic existence as a person.

Did I just really spend six hours researching this Lee Taemin person?

Not that he was boring, but my whole reason as to why I basically stalked this person was to appeal to my little sister, Sarah, who apparently loves him so much that she is willing to give everything to him. And yes, everything, even her money that she has saved for the past 14 years she has lived in this world. Sarah knows every picture of him that existed, the estimated time it was taken and gets an immediate impulse of imitating a pterodactyl every time she sees a picture of him, hears his voice for a half of a second or even just seeing any body part that belongs to him.

Sometimes, I wonder to myself if people like Sarah actually exist in this world. I really do.


The phone suddenly rings after spending ten minutes staring off into space and me being very careful, I usually wait until the third ring and after that, I finally answer the phone call.

"Hello?" I answer with a yawn.

There was a silence for a while, then finally a voice responded back. A familiar voice, to be exact.

It was my boss that I have worked with for the past two months but recently, I found myself being bored with my work, which was basically being a secretary, so without telling anyone, I locked myself up into my house and spent most of my afternoon sleeping and reading.

"Miss Clyde, where have you been?"

"Oh, Mr.Reynolds!" I reply with a tiny chuckle.

"Miss Clyde, I want to discuss with you about something urgent, please!"

"Sorry uhm.. I am actually very sick right now..."

"It regards your work for the past two weeks..."

"Yes, as I have said before, I will take care of everything about the budget cuts so do not-"

"No, that was already solved three days ago."

"I-It was?"

"Yes. But now, I have a new problem..." he sighs.

I gulp. This was either going to be the best news of my life, or the news that will bring me into a homeless shelter.


(A/N: Oh hey, a new update. Fun fact about this chapter, it has exactly 666 words, not including the word chapter one and this author note....hehehe... Honestly, I forgot how this whole fan fiction would go so I thought "Hey, I'll just wing it! :D" and so the first chapter is finally released. Don't worry, I'm not going to delete this like the other fan fictions that I have made lol but I might post updates once in a while or something. So thanks for reading this and even considering on reading this whole thing until the end~ I seriously want to work more on my original stories though so that's why I won't update as much here...much love from me, peace out *flies off in a tiny unicorn*)

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