The singhanias

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( The pics will be updated tommorow don't worry )

Arjun Raj singhania
( 31 year old )

The most powerful CEO of the singhania industries....Hates lies...Cold towards everyone except his brothers....hate when someone tries to go against him...has high anger issues but tries to be soft as possible for his brothers...the youngest one is his heart and soul

Abhimanyu singhania
(29 year old)

A handsome doctor everyone adores....He's very strict regarding his brothers health and overly protective for his youngest baby because of his health issues...he's very professional in his work...the little one is his everything

Mahir singhania
( 27 year old )

Works with Arjun...Follows his every orders...his role model is his brother...kind and smart...loves his brothers too core...saves his younger brothers from the two eldest lions...loves to pamper his baby too much

Kunj singhania
( 26 year old )

he's a smartass engineer....protective for his younger ones...Loves his brothers the most...hates when someone disobey his brothers....loves the little one too core and can do anything to fulfill his wish

Veer and laksh singhania
( 24 year olds )

The smart but idiot twins....both just loves fun and lives their life to the fullest...respects their elder brothers but can be total brats sometime.... Overprotective big brothers for their lil brother...

Manik Arjun singhania
( 17 year old )

The naughty but innocent baby of the singhanias....He has his brothers wrapped around his little finger....Knows his brothers can do anything for him but hates when they get way too Overprotective...loves them too core....has many health issues so his brothers are very careful with him

90+ votes and I'll update or I'll delete the book 😭 ( I'm not very confident if y'all like this new story so )

Please comment on your point of view and let me know if you want to change anything!!!

And comment here for your ideas/ requested scenes I'll add it for sure

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