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"A-xian you go, I will be back in few minutes!" exclaimed Shi qingxuan.

"Huh, where are you going?" asked Wei wuxian.

"Looks like my shidi has arrived!" replied Shi qingxuan.

Wei wuxian nodded his head and she left from there while Wei wuxian thought 'how did she know?'

"What's that urgent?" asked Wei wuxian while walking ahead.

"A very good news!" replied Lan Jingyi.

"And what's that?" asked Wei wuxian again.

"Just come with us!" replied Jin ling.

They all walks towards the Lanshi as Wei wuxian was wondering about the important thing.

"Great you are here!" exclaimed Baoshan sanren who was walking towards them from Lanshi Lan zhan, Lan qiren and zhuiling was also behind her.

"Zumu you wanted to talk about something?" asked Wei wuxian.

"Yes, but first let me check your pulse!" replied Baoshan sanren as she proceeded to hold his hands.

"Will anyone tell me what going on here?" asked Wei wuxian glaring at the cultivators who were watching him with full focus.

Lan sizhui explained him everything they have talked about. Wei wuxian face got lift up with happiness but still in disbelief about the fact that he will be able to use Suibian.

"Here is!" exclaimed Baoshan sanren after checking his pulse as she takes out a small bottle from her sleeve.

Wei wuxian tooked the bottle from her with a confused expression 'what was he supposed to do with it huh?'

"Drink it now!" said Baoshan sanren with a smile.

Wei wuxian nodded his head and opened the bottle but alas the smell was so bad. His face turned pale.

"I will drink it tomorrow!" exclaimed Wei wuxian as he can't with the smell of this medicine.

"No! You have to drink it now, i have to examine your body after you take the medicine" exclaimed Baoshan sanren strictly.


Shi qingxuan was standing in front of Gusu Lan sect entrance waiting for Xie lian and Hua cheng as they sent her the butterfly message that they will be there soon.

After few minutes Xie lian and Hua cheng teleported there.

"You are finally here!" exclaimed Shi qingxuan.

"Why did you guys come here without us?" asked Hua cheng.

"A-xian invited us and Mu qing was the one to agree first!" replied Shi qingxuan.

"San lang it's fine!" said Xie lian and moved from there looking around the environment around himself.

"It's beautiful here!" exclaimed Xie lian on which Shi qingxuan nodded her head.

"Mn, at first i mistook it as an immortal place! Let's go inside" said Shi qingxuan.

Hualian followed her while she walks towards Lanshi.

"Where is Wei wuxian?" asked Hua cheng.

"There is a-xian!" exclaimed Shi qingxuan as she watched Wei wuxian was standing infront of Lanshi and was proceeding to drink something but he suddenly stopped and winched.

"Baoshan sanren!" exclaimed Xie lian as their eyes got widen.

"Do i really have to drink it?" asked Wei wuxian while pouting.

"A-xian just finish it quickly!" replied Lan qiren who was quite eager.

"Okay okay, fine!" said Wei wuxian while Baoshan sanren smiled and placed her hands on Wei wuxian's shoulder to support him so, that he could drink the medicine.Wei wuxian bring the medicine bottle near his face, closed his eyes as he decided to drink it in one gulp.

The cultivators closed their as the sudden bright Red light appeared. Baoshan sanren got pushed harshly with a loud thud and medicine bottle got thrown on the ground.

There was a transparent shield of crimson colour, covering Wei wuxian completely.

"B-Butterfly!" exclaimed Lan Jingyi as the butterfly they found in Nightless City was creating a sheild around Wei wuxian.

Everyone looked shocked. Hualian stared at the scene in disbelief as they noticed most oddly familiar thing.'The butterfly is the symbol of their a-ying.'

"Crimson Deady spirit butterfly!" exclaimed Shi qingxuan, her mouth left hanged open.

Wei wuxian was confused but immediately recovered and began to walked towards Baoshan sanren to help her out but, the more he walked forward, the more Baoshan sanren got pushed horribly, again and again.

Lan zhan unsheathed Bichen as he placed its tip on Baoshan sanren neck. Lan zhan have trust issues with everyone especially when it's come to his Wei ying. He didn't trust the lady in first place but now he was sure that something was wrong with her.

"Who are you?" asked Lan Zhan with deadly aura.

Hualian and Shi qingxuan hurriedly went near them.

"Baoshan sanren, How dare you show up here!" exclaimed Shi qingxuan in anger.

"Lan zhan, Xuan jie what happening here?" asked Wei wuxian as he was still in shock about just now but Shi qingxuan suddenly appeared in front of him.

"A-xian are hurt anywhere?" asked Shi qingxuan worriedly as she got scared for a moment seeing the Baoshan sanren near him.

"Zumu?" questioned Wei wuxian and now he finally got everything. The butterfly protected him before so it's also doing now implying that the lady in front of him means to harm him.

"You stay away from here" exclaimed Baoshan sanren as she also unsheathed her sword. Started to attack them but lan zhan pulled his sword first, now they are fighting.

The other cultivators was still processing what's happening while Hualian shared a worrisome look.

Before Baoshan sanren could stab Lan zhan her hands has to abandoned her sword as they got tied up by zidian. She tried to release herself but it didn't work.

Xicheng was quitely chatting in Hanshi before they heard loud sound from the hall so the decided to check upon Cloud recesses. But as soon as they arrived there they watched that Baoshan sanren was constantly attacking Lan zhan, they were fighting so Jiang cheng let out his zidian, tieing up the women.

"Jiang cheng!" called Wei wuxian and Jiang cheng nodded his head going to him.

"Who are you?" asked Lan qiren this time. He was confused by everything happened just now.

"Baoshan sanren!" replied Shi qingxuan as she gritted her teeth.

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