My precious escape [Diavolo x reader]

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Modern AU: Diavolo is still the son of an important person of a city (billionaire's son and successor probably)
But when things get too overwhelming for the young successor, he likes to visit a small cafe near the outskirts of town, where he can escape and see his favorite barista who is oblivious to his identity.

The coffee machines grinded tirelessly at the aromatic beans.

The fragrant smell wafted through the air in the small cafe.

You washed and prepared all the cups, placing them neatly on the side, awaiting for the customers to come.

Not that there were too many people rushing in daily, in fact, it was always a rather small bunch that come in for their daily energy fuels.

You liked it though, you liked how there wasn't always a crowd of customers that forced you to work at an alarming fast pace, neglecting the quality of coffee for the quantity of money made.

Satisfied with how your set up looked, you started making a cup of black coffee just for yourself.


"Mr Diavolo, how has your work been going?"

"Will your father recover quickly and continue the company?"

"Is it true you are the next in line for the global industry?"

"Aah! Diavolo! Please take a picture with me!"

The questions and requests kept pouring in, almost drowning Diavolo and it was barely even 8 o'clock.

He shoved his way to the car, all while maintaining a smile.
Once he was finally in the car,
Diavolo sighed and a frown found it's way onto his face, he needed his morning energizer.

"Young master, are we going to your usual cafe?"
His butler, chauffeur and aide all in one, asked, passing him his documents for the day.

"Yes Barbatos, bring me to my usual place please."
Diavolo replied, a hand already flipping through all the papers, scanning them thoroughly.

It was a difficult life for him, being the youngest successor to a mega big company and all.

He had all the wealth in the world but barely anytime for himself or even a break.

One time, he got so fed up with all the paperwork he had to do, he sneaked out of his mansion, escaping from his butler...


"Young master? Where ever have you gone?"
Diavolo held a snicker as he saw the back of Barbatos frantically turning to find him.

In his disguise of a maroon sweater and baseball cap,
he jumped off the railing of his window and landed perfectly on the ground.
He had practiced a couple of times beforehand after all.

Exiting the gate, Diavolo made sure to close the gate as softly as possible, not making any noise.

Once he was successfully out of the vicinity of his resident, he bolted straight.

He ran and ran, without a destination in mind, all he wanted to do was escape from all the work he was forced to take on,

Just for a while, please.
He thought.

After what felt like ages, he finally came to a stop.
He screamed at the top of his lungs out into the open field, dropping to his knees. His roar echoed through the place.

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