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The evening seemed more comforting to the devil's, Advaityaksh and Sarvyanshi were currently sitting with kiaan in a cafe , yes the rebel royals have escaped the party and are now enjoying their time :)

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The evening seemed more comforting to the devil's,
Advaityaksh and Sarvyanshi were currently sitting with kiaan in a cafe , yes the rebel royals have escaped the party and are now enjoying their time :)

Advaityaksh's pov
I was sitting in the cafe , literally bunking the party held by Chaitri's. Well I am enjoying it more here . Sarvyanshi, ever since I have seen her , i feel more and more attracted to her. And this munchkin kiaan seems too dear to her , well personally I don't like kids . But this sunshine is absolutely a miracle , a sensible, cute and naughty one at the same time . No doubt he is a Rajvansh.

Well Being a Royal I have heard alot of things about Rajvansh family. They are one of the most powerful and successful families in Asia. With every member being a epitome of talent and elegance.
And Sarvyanshi is the best of all of them,Indeed .

I hate "love" , and there's a big reason and horrible memories attached to it , leave i don't want to remember it now .
But Sarvyanshi is someone who seems to be my serenity, i feel peace around her and I am scared of it , scared of this feeling. But this girl is just too adorable.

"Buddy , you lost?" I was disturbed by kiaan . Well this little thing can be irritating sometimes.
He was asking me to get up since it is time to leave. Ahh I miss this already.

Sarvyanshi's pov

I , sunshine and Advaityaksh, his name is long well we were sitting in cafe after escaping the boring gross party.

Kiaan was sipping his oreo shake , while I ordered a lemon bread and Advaityaksh being himself, the average cold hearted ceo of rawat foundations ordered black coffee, honestly I like it too , but it's fun to irritate this mushy angry lion .

Advaityaksh is everything a women would need , his wife would be so lucky . I know people call him jerk and whatever, he is one actually. After my past , there is nothing left in my life now , kiaan is my sunshine, my only source of happiness that's it .

Anyways the time passed in our chit-chat and soon we were leaving.
Advaityaksh being the gentleman he is opened the door for me
I didn't like this so I said " I can do it myself"
To which he replied "I am sure you do Sarvyanshi but I don't want you to , until I am here " .
And then I sat there shutting my mouth and hiding my blushing face for rest of the journey.

Third person's pov
Isn't it obvious we can change our ways to give our heart what it wants?
But the only thing that stops us is the ego , those unnecessary thoughts which aren't required. Heck they shouldn't be considered even
Advaityaksh and Sarvyanshi seem to be going at the same path . A pain , A agony , An untold story, unrevealed faith and undeniable love .

At the party , Tarani was shocked and stressed upon not finding advaityaksh there.
She wasn't aware about him leaving before one of her buisness partner asked for him . She was having a conversation with her when she was questioned about his absence. Well that was going to be topic for backbitching about her for months now , does she care ? Hell no

Later while leaving she told ranvijay about him missing . Advaityaksh never left any buisness party without informing them or he made sure they knew he was leaving and was safe .

The Rajvansh's were very worried when they found kiaan and Sarvyanshi both were missing. But Samarthya had convinved them saying his princess is very responsible and they will return safely .

Advaityaksh's pov

We have reached the Rajvansh Palace and I looked at my side to see Sarvyanshi sleeping, I so want to carry her but I can't for Now .
I need to wake her up
'Sarvyanshi we have reached , get up'
After many trials she finally woke up
My Sleepyhead ❤️
I went to her side to open the door , she came outside and gave me her outstanding smile. I handed her kiaan and she went after thanking me .
Her smile is my therapy , so serene , so pretty .

Sighing I drove towards rawat palace , while driving I recieved a call from my assistant regarding some meetings . That's when I noticed missed calls from arhaan , Mrs Rawat, and triya too .
Oh shit, I realise that I just sneaked out of the party. Is this really me ? This Sarvyanshi Rajvansh is dangerous to my cold heart .

Soon , i was in the Rawat premises.
As I entered , I saw Mrs Rawat there , but I ignored her and went to my room

Rajvansh Palace

Sarvyanshi's pov :

I have never felt so peaceful in my life .
I feel so better than ever especially after all the things that have happened to me .
I walked inside to find everyone sitting and waiting in the living room .
Kiaan was asleep in my arms .

They all asked me many questions but I just replied that I and Kiaan were bored so we left , Maa asked me if She shall serve me the dinner but I refused, telling her that I am full . Before they can ask me more I left from there saying I was tired.
I handed kiaan to Kiara bhabhi telling her to let him sleep since he has had his dinner .

I reached my room with very difficulty, i was sleepy dude. I had a nice warm shower and slept as soon as I hit the bed.
The day was unusually weird yet soothing.

Advaityaksh's pov

After coming to my room I tried sleeping but I wasn't able to . It was like unusual peace that kept me awake .
Well eventually I took out my phone and searched for Sarvyanshi's social handles.
I found her Instagram which was public , i am sure she has a private account too , i will ask her later but for now I stalked her public account. There were mostly her and kiaan's picture and some with her family members.
She wasn't very active on this account. But I noticed her taking snaps of the food we ate , she hasn't put any story. It clearly means she has an private acc. I need to ask her about it .
Because I feel she is very active on social media.


Author's pov

Today Advaityaksh and Sarvyanshi both had a experience which brought them rollercoaster of emotions. Eventually both felt peace and happiness in presence of each other .
That's what we need in our soulmate right?
But destiny has always played with them and this time also it wasn't going to leave the chance. Now only time can tell if it will end up in their favour or not.

Hey my roses, please vote and comment.
It motivates me to write and do better.
I will be regularly updating now.

For futher updates and spoilers follow me on instagram
: authorsyaa

Ba-bye . Love y'all .

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