Chapter 9

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The university courtyard is bustling with students, each engaged in their own world of thoughts and activities. Yena, however, finds herself isolated on a bench, visibly distressed. Her face, usually filled with vibrancy, is now plastered with a mixture of stress and sadness. A pile of scattered papers and disheveled notes reflects the chaos within her mind.

"Hello, Yena-ya." Just then, a familiar voice approaches and the person takes a seat beside her. Concern etches his features as he notices Yena's distressed state.

"Are you okay? You seemed to be distressed when I saw you from afar."

Yena looks up, her eyes reflecting a mix of surprise and relief at the familiar presence.

"Hey, Taeyang-ah. I'm just... it's been a tough day." She forces a smile.

"Do you want to talk about it? It's alright if you don't want to. Don't feel pressured."

Yena hesitates for a moment, grappling with her emotions, but the genuine concern in Taeyang's eyes encourages her to open up. She sighs before continuing the conversation.

"Well... It's just... everything seems to be going wrong today. I had an awkward encounter in the morning, lost my important notebook, struggled in class, and now I feel like I'm drowning in stress." Taeyang nods sympathetically to her words.

"That sounds like a lot to handle. But hey, talking about it might help. What happened in the morning?

Yena begins to recount the series of unfortunate events, her voice carrying the weight of the challenges she faced throughout the day. Taeyang listens attentively, offering a comforting presence as she shares her frustrations.

"It started in the morning, you know? I was trying to make it to Cultural Studies class on time, and then, out of nowhere, a group of students came running towards us. Y/N and I tried to avoid them, but before I knew it, someone bumped into me, and my books went flying."

"That sounds really hectic. Did they at least apologize?"

"Yeah, the person did apologize, but they ran off so quickly. It was just... chaotic. And then, during the class, Professor Lee asked me to explain something about cultural studies, and I couldn't find my notebook. It was embarrassing. I felt like I let everyone down. No, more like I let myself down."

"It sounds like a tough day for sure. Losing your notes can be really stressful, especially when you're put on the spot."

"Exactly. And the worst part is, after the class, Professor Lee made some sarcastic comment about my performance. It felt like he was disappointed in me, you know?"

"I get it. It must have been really frustrating. If it was me I'd be embarrassed and frustrated too."

"And then, to top it all off, I was searching for that missing notebook during recess, and Y/N and I couldn't find the person who bumped into me. It's like everything just spiraled out of control today."

"I'm sorry you had to go through all that, Yena-ya. It sounds incredibly overwhelming. And to be honest, I could feel your burden and stress." Yena nods.

"Yeah, it was. Thanks for listening, Taeyang-ah. I needed to get it off my chest.

"Of course, Yena. Sometimes, just talking about it can make things a little more manageable. Anything I can do to help?"

"Just being here and listening helps a lot, honestly. I appreciate it."

"Anytime. Yena-ya. Remember, tomorrow is a new day. Chocolate?" Taeyang offered chocolate to Yena with a warm smile.

Yena accepted the chocolate with gratitude, taking a bite as the smooth sweetness melted on her tongue. The simple pleasure of the chocolate provided a momentary escape from the day's chaos, and the calming effect allowed Yena to gather her thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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