𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝟏 - 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐃𝐨𝐨𝐫

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She searched for her keys in her purse, letting out a groan when she couldn't find them, before patting her pockets and getting her apartment key out of one of them. She turned it in the lock before walking inside. She hadn't been there in months, her job in Los Angeles taking her most of her time. But she finally had time for herself, not a project until at least 10 months, which gave her a lot of relief.

She threw her purse on the floor before taking her coat off, as well as her sweater, leaving only her t-shirt on. She took a deep breath before sitting on her couch. She rubbed her face gently, the exhaustion taking the best of her. Without realizing it, she started to fall asleep, until she got brutally woken up by a knock on the front door. Once she was finally aware of the situation she tried to look around but the lights were all off, she supposed it was the current, so she tried to find a candle, before heading to the door.

She opened the door to a beautiful blonde woman, with hazel eyes and perfect lips. "How can I help you ?" Ashley asked calmly, unsure of how to react at the nervous look on her face. "Hum, hi. I'm the girl next door," She swallowed her saliva, touching her hair before talking back, "Have you, hum, by any chance, seen a cat ?" She asked with intimidation, Ashley smiled, to make the woman in front of her more comfortable. "I'm sorry, I haven't." The blonde woman pouted and sighed before giving an apologetic smile to the brunette with brown eyes.

Ashley started closing the door, before having the urge to be with this green eyed woman again, and to get to know her. "Actually, would you like me to help you find it ?" She suggested, opening the door again. "I wouldn't want to disturb you." She chuckled at the proposal of the brown eyed who seemed familiar. "You're not disturbing, girl next door." Ashley smirked as the other giggled in embarrassment. "I'm Rachel Green, Monica Geller's roommate." She informed before shaking Ashley's hand. "Hello Rachel, I'm Ashley. Ashley Hillbour." She smiled widely, like she was so known for. This warming and reassuring smile, who could make anyone feel better.

"Are you the Ashley Hillbour ?" Rachel asked while they both kept walking in the hallways. "I suppose I am." She chuckled as she shrugged, making Rachel smile at her. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't ask you that." Rachel shook her head with a giggle. "It's fine, really." They both smiled warmly at each other before knocking on another door. They knocked on every single one of them before eventually finding the cat in front of someone's door. Rachel sighed and Ashley giggled. Rachel seemed uncomfortable as she took the cat in her arms, so Ashley nicely offered to get it instead, which the blonde didn't decline.

When they arrived at Rachel's apartment, it felt like neither of them wanted to go their own ways. "So hum, thank you for helping me." Rachel smiled awkwardly, before Ashley nodded. "It was a pleasure." She grinned making her way back to her place. "Ashley wait." She turned to Rachel with a questioning look on her face. "Do you want to come inside ?" The green eyed asked, not looking directly at the other woman, feeling intimidated. "I would love that." Rachel looked up at Ashley and they both smiled before entering the apartment.

Everyone turned as Rachel came back in. "I found the cat." She said, scrunching her nose. They weren't looking at the cat at all, but at the jaw dropping woman next to Rachel. Monica recognized her soon enough, because they had chatted a couple of times before Ashley went filming in Los Angeles. "You're our neighbor, right ?" Monica said as she came closer and shook her hand. "I am." She smiled in the Ashley way and everyone seemed to understand who she was. "Everybody, this is Ashley, Ashley, this is everybody." Ashley waved at the group awkwardly before they eventually introduced themselves. "Nice to meet you all." Rachel kept staring at her with adoration, a look nobody had ever seen on her face.

"Do you want something to drink ?" Monica offered after the tension had dropped. "Any alcohol you have will do." Ashley chuckled and Monica quickly followed before handing her a beer. "It's all I have." She said apologetically, Ashley waved her off as to say it was okay, and it made Monica feel a little less like she was someone to be worried about having home. Ashley started sipping on her beer as everyone chatted, except Rachel, who was was still passionately looking at her. The brunette was listening to the conversation with interest, making a comment when she thought it was needed, and everyone else would shut up the moment she opened her mouth.

"I need some air, wanna come ?" Rachel whispered over to Ashley, before they both walked to the balcony. Not only it had been a while since Ashley had been in New York, but it had been a while since Ashley had been with a gorgeous woman and a stunning view. The brown eyed leaned over the small wall, her breasts popping out some more, and the green eyed laid her back on that same wall, next to the superstar. "They can be a bit noisy." Ashley giggled, making Rachel smile. "They seem fun to me." Both of them looked at each other for a couple of seconds before turning their heads back. "I'll tell them you said that." Rachel said with a smirk and Ashley shook her head with a chuckle.

"You have friends in town, don't you ?" The blonde asked before turning to Ashley. "I mean, of course you do, but," She sighed as the other woman looked at her with an amused look on her face. "I have some friends here, yes." Rachel smiled awkwardly. "But I'm probably not as close to them as you are to those clowns." They both laughed warmly before the silence came back. "You could hang out with us if you'd like." Rachel shrugged and Ashley looked back up at her. Their eyes met for a short moment, but which felt like hours, and was long enough so that a chill could be sent down their backs. "Rachel, you guys don't know me." She chuckled ironically before running her hand through her hair, in the movie kind of way, an habit she had gotten from all her acting.

"I could be the biggest asshole and you wouldn't know." She said with no emotion at all, staring at the far away buildings. "Everyone's a bit of an asshole, Ashley." Rachel responded, like Ashley could be a murderer and she still would want to get to know her. The brunette smiled to herself before looking up to Rachel. "You know I left my fiancé at the altar." She said, Ashley's gaze still on her. "Only an asshole would do that." They both giggled lightly, before silence got them again. Monica peeked her head outside the window and both women turned to her. "The current is back guys." Once they realized they hadn't even seen the lights of the building were back on, a small blush appeared on their faces. They both went back inside, Rachel following Ashley, admiring her gorgeous features without realizing it.

"It's getting late, I think I'm gonna go." Ashley smiled and Rachel looked up at her. "Sure. I'll walk you to your place." Phoebe chuckled and everyone turned their heads in her direction. "She lives next door Rach, she'll be fine." The brunette giggled too before shaking her head. "She's such a gentlewoman." Everyone laughed, except for Rachel who rolled her eyes. "Well this was nice, thank you guys for having me." Ashley grinned warmly and the group soon mirrored her. Rachel opened the door and both her and the brown eyed walked out. After a quick minute, they arrived at Ashley's apartment, but none of them felt like saying goodbye.

"I'd love to prove you I'm not that much of an asshole."  Ashley laughed lightly at Rachel's comment before nodding. "You proved yourself already, blondie." The "blondie" blushed a bit at the nickname before the flirt she had in front of her opened her door and walked through her apartment. "See you soon, girl next door." She closed her door, leaving a flustered Rachel who was internally confused about what had just happened, or why she felt like that for some woman she had just met. 


A/N :

This was a VERY long chapter but I felt like since it was the first one, it had to be long enough so you would understand how they feel and what is going on between them. Tell me what  you think of the start of this story and what do you think is gonna happen!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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