Moving back to Thailand

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It has been 1month everyone came to France and now it was their time to go back.As their official work is finish.....

At the airport:
Pai:ok then...
Bye nong Rain take care(said by giving a hug)

Rain:bye p'pai...
Bye everyone...

Everyone then start walking towards their plane when Payu came back to Rain and kissed him infront of everyone....
Rain frozed there bcoz of tht sudden kiss,so he couldn't respond and thn Payu finally broke the kiss....
Payu thn went to his plane with everyone and the plane take off for Thailand whereas,here Rain was blushing hard coz everyone saw thm and they were taking pics of thm....
Then Rain left the airport and went to his office.
Today was a very great day for Rain as he signed the business partnership contract with the biggest company of Thailand and he was also going to launch his own company there in 2weeks.
Rain video called Saifah coz he know if he call Payu thn he will strt talking with him without giving othrs any chance..(lover boy🤣)

In the video call:
Rain:hii everyone

"Hii"everyone exclaimed.

Rain:actually I called u to give u all a good news..

Payu:and wht is it?

Rain:I'm moving back to Thailand as I signed a business partnership contract with a company there plus I'm launching my own company also.....


U think I'm lying🤨...



Pai:ok Payu will u stop...
It's a good news tht Rain is coming and everything will be same now....

Sky:yes phii stop it...

Som:ok so where r U going to stay now?

(Som hit at the correct point and everyone looked at blushing Payu and serious Rain)

Rain:at my bungalow ofc...


Rain:Actually I don't want to take any risk....

Payu:wht do u mea....n
Pls Rain don't taunt me every time....

Rain:fine btw I have to now hang up....

Pai:yeah sure...

Everyone said Goodnight to Rain and he also wished thm back except Payu.As Payu got very hurt by Rain words.He thght everything is now fine but Rain is taunting him....

Payu's #POV:
Rain video called everyone and he talk sweetly with everyone except me why?
Ik tht I did mistake but he already gave me a chance so why taunting me all the time😔
I can't bear all these can't he understand my feelings,doesn't my feeling has any value for him.Why U r doing this to me Rain U know how much it hurt me still U r doing all these.After all thinking all the night I finally dozed off and when I woke up I got a call from Rain..

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