Chapter 11 - Do you realise you are a child of God?

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Joseph had come to help me in a time when i was in great need and suffering. I was tillstruggling, but every day things gave me joy and hope, and with reading Lorna Byrnes booksand Jackie Newcolmb books, my FAITH was increasing in multitudes! I read that Lorna Byrnehad led a difficult life with her husband Joe who died early on in life after ebing very ill, andJoseph told me that GOD had taken him to Heaven because GOD had work for him to do inHeaven and that he is one of GOD's best Angels. He told me that Joe was to find their daughter- Mary. Who was placed on Earh from Heaven, taken from Lorna Byrne w emotional at timesand one of my main floors is jealously.. the jealously of people who have it good and easy in life,the ones who are rich or have no problems with big families and children ôr who are famous orin power...""Do you believe that was you who did those things? Do you believe it is you who is jealous?""What do you mean? Who else could it be but myself?"Joseph put his hand on my shoulder, "Satan. Let's never speak of him again. GOD has hisfinger to his lips. Just know that any sin in your life isn't you. It's not your fault. If you could goback and always do GOD's will if given the chance, would you change it?"I absoluely would!!""Exactly. GOD knows your heart, and so does Jesus, and so does your Guardian Angel, and sodo I. In time, you will see me."Those words reminded me of something somebody said, but I couldn think who said thembefore... Joseph and I loved that night.

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