making new friends

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I found myself waking up in a large pated room full of other kids that looked exactly like me but with slight changes, different hair color, different eye color, but never the less they still looked like me.. or did I look like they? It is a lot for me to take in and understand, I just sat in a corner of the room and start to try and understand what's even going on, I have no memory of my past but yet I know how to speak and walk, and Im in a room full of twins and fakes. Suddenly a large TV that was attached to the back wall of the room, as the TV turned on showing a well suited robot with a human like face appeared on screen, he wore a black suit covered with stickers of animals and smiley faces with a yellow tie to some what suit it, his face had a rubber like look to it that only got more uncomfortable to look at when he smiled and started to speak. "Welcome children to endless entertainment, we have so much for you to do and you have so much to see so we won't hold you bad for long but we just want to explain a few rules of your new home". He said with a robotic like voice that tried to sound happy, I watched the screen even though this machine with a rubber face and glass eyes painted to look real was starting to freak me out. "The rules of your new house are as follow, no fighting with your new brothers, sisters, and others, no stealing from anyone, no leaving home, and our most important rule always be happy". As the robot finished talking he gave a smile pearly white smile that only the devil could give with how freaked out I was after looking at it.

I turn away from the TV to get my eyes off that non human and after i turn away from it that when he's speech clicked in my head, we can never leave?! I thought to myself, why would they want to keep us? Why are we here? Why is this happening? So many questions that seemed to have no answer filled my head stabbing me over and over again, why this why that, it was never ending until a large steel door on the opposite side of the started to open showing a brightly lit room, the room had several doors with signs above them that all read different things, one said "bedrooms" around read "bathrooms" but the door that caught my eye the most was a door that labeled "game rooms", the door was bigger then the others and was covered in colorful drawings of game pieces, dolls and other children's toys painted on it. Not too far from the game rooms door was some kinda prize corner, it was stoked with some normal prize corner stuff like candy and toys but it was also stoked with clothes and colored markers. I stumbled around the room walking around and between kids, I didn't know where I was going I didn't even know what place I was in.

After awhile I bumped into a kid sending both of us to the ground. "Hey watch where your going pal! Jeez were you born yesterday or something?!" The kid said annoyed as he started to stand back up, "I.. um.. sorry about that" I reply "and about the born yesterday thing I have no idea", as soon as i say that his anger disappears, "oooh your a newbie" he says with a laugh "hey spell come over here" he yells out to a girl with a basic red hoodie and gray sweat pants, she had gray scarf over her mouth that seemed to stitched together from bits of other sweat pants, she also was carrying some kinda red table toy. As the girl walked over she lifted up her table and started to type something into it before pressing enter "what is it 1000?" Her table says, "we have a newbie here!" 1000 says as he jumps up and down with joy "ok so newbie I'm 1000 and this here is my friend spell, she's a mute" spell waves at me when 1000 finishes talking. "um.. hi there spell, I'm uh.." I say as I try and think of my name but nothing comes to my mind until 1000 spoke, "I'm guessing you don't have a name so you? Makes sense, you did just get hear after all so it would be hard for you to come up with your own name", "why did you guys pick your names?" I asked curious about what made them pick such weird names, as I asked 1000's eyes light up with excitement at the thought of answering my question but Spell seemed annoyed as if she had already heard what 1000 was going to say a dozen times before. "Well I named myself 1000 because the first ever game I played here, "I got myself a thousand tickets and spent it on sick shirt, man that was the best day of my life" 1000 said as he pointed to his shirt which read the words "ticket master", "as for spell she calls herself that because she to type out every letter in her tablet just to talk" 1000 chuckled a little before spell hit him in the back of the head with her tablet, "shut up 1000" she typed out on her tablet as she wacked 1000 in the head. "Ow.." 1000 said as rubbed the back of his head, "anyways.. the next game should be starting soon newbie, and your in lucky because it's teams of three and me and spell here don't have anyone else to be our third member, until now that is" he said as he looked at me with a smile, I didn't know much of what was going on or what this "game" even was, but 1000 and Spell were really the only people I knew and if I said no, what else would I even do? So I said, "sure". 1000's eyes lit up, "HECK YEAH BABY!" he yelled as he pumped his hands in the air, "WE ARE IN BABY, TEAM TICKET MASKERS FOR THE WIN!". After 1000 finished his monster loud cheering he started to quiet down and started to speak in a tired voice, "alright newbie, let's go win a game shall we"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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