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Mentions a homophobic slur

Now Playing: Accidental Encounter by Lee Yoon Ji

After Felix walked inside the apartment, Lee Know closed the door behind him and locked it. Although Lee Know had somewhat comforted Felix, the boy hadn't spoke the rest of the way back.

"Are you doing alright?" Lee Know asked, concerned for Felix's health.

"I'm okay." Felix answered in a dull tone, rushing into his room.

A sigh fled from Lee Know's lips, he glanced down and ran a hand through his hair.

Did I do something wrong? He asked himself, but no matter what he wasn't going to intrude on Felix's privacy. Felix had every right to keep his own personal issues from him.

However, Felix was in his room, sobbing. He was tired of people bullying for his sexuality. Tired of people assuming that he has a crush on his friends just because they're guys.
"Ew! Do you have some sort of virus?!"

The students began to mock, yelling 'Eww!' and 'Get away!'

Felix got up within seconds, pounding his fist on his desk and shouting.

"Shut the fuck up, Jiyeong!"

Jiyeong pouted puckishly, jeering Felix's annoyance. "Oh, is the boy smoocher gonna cry?"

Felix glanced down and clenched his fists.

"You know nobody is gonna like somebody who fucks the same sex."

"You're disgusting."

"Boy loving faggot."

Felix huddled up and hid his head in his arms, trying to ignore the insults.
Felix sniffled, wiping his eyes as he had a recollection of his old memories. The negative ones.

The smaller laid on his back, looking up at the ceiling. The fans blade moved at a steady rate while Felix watched the blades move above him.

"Hey Felix?"

Felix sat up at the sound of Lee Know's soft voice, he wiped his eyes, trying to hide the pain behind his voice.


There was a short pause before Lee Know spoke again. "I made food, would you like me to bring it to you?"

Another pause followed as Felix opened the door, hiding his tear stained face behind the door.

"If you don't mind bringing it to me, I would appreciate it." he answered in a quiet voice.

Lee Know gave him a warm smile, knowing Felix wouldn't notice it. "Of course," he replied, "let me know if you—need anything."

The younger nodded, closing the door after Lee Know finished speaking.

Felix got back into his bed, curling up into his blankets and cuddling against his pillows while pondering his thoughts and memories.

A few moments passed and Lee Know knocked on Felix's door after gathering the younger's plate.

There wasn't an answer and Lee Know didn't want to intrude; however, he didn't want Felix to go without dinner. So, he carefully opened the younger's door, placing his food on his nightstand.

"Felix?" Lee Know whispered, gently shaking the younger who was fast asleep.

The older smiled slightly after realizing that Felix was fast asleep. He decided to let Felix rest, taking the food back in the kitchen but placing it where Felix could have it after classes.

After Lee Know's tasks for the night were completed, the older went to bed as well, hoping that Felix was doing okay.

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