Hold Onto That Idea

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The bunker was empty apart from two residents, Castiel and Sam. They didn't have anything to do today. They have already caught up on what they've missed in between hunts and have ventured into random topics.

"What are you thinking about?" Sam asked, noticing the look on Castiel's face.

Castiel paused trying to figure out the best way to phrase it, "I'm thinking about hugs. They're used as greetings and goodbyes, right?"

Sam nodded, "Yeah, they can be."

"Okay, and if you are upset or happy about something," Castiel added, "That would be an appropriate time to hug someone."

Sam's brain was trying to figure out where this was going and knowing Castiel it could go anywhere, "Yep, I'm with you so far."

"Well, what about hugging someone just because you want to? Can you do that?" Castiel liked the fond look that appeared on Sam's face after they said that.

"Of course, you can." Castiel felt like that opened a lot of new doors and they are going to run through them all.

It's no surprise that Castiel ended up on Sam's back, holding onto him like a baby Koala, meanwhile, Sam was cleaning things up around the bunker.

"While I don't mind this, Cas, I'm not sure if this qualifies as a hug anymore." To be fair, it did genuinely start as one until Sam got antsy about the bunker being a bit messy. Castiel didn't want the hug to end and well, it didn't.

Castiel did their best to look at Sam's face, luckily Sam looked at them, "Personally, I think it meets the koalafications." Sam chuckled at that.

"If you say so." Sam didn't voice it now, but he hoped this would be a recurring thing. Luckily for him, it became one.

[Author's Note: The textpost in question.

Cas: You can hug people as greetings, you can hug as a goodbye...Can you hug just to hug?
Sam: Yeah, of course.
Cut to Cas hanging onto Sam like a koala as Sam does his daily chores.
Sam: I'm not sure if this qualifies as a hug anymore.
Cas: I think it meets the koalaifications.]

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