chapter 1: kidnapped

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The Jester was looking at his crystal ball and he saw that Scarecrow, Lion, and Tinman were going to tell Dorothy what he was scheming "I can't let her beat me, my plan is almost complete!" The Jester whispers to himself. "AND YOU! better figure out a way to help me or you'll be grounded and you can kiss your wings goodbye!" The Jester said angrily at the flying monkey with a purple mohawk. The flying monkey then had an idea and tried to tell it to the Jester " OOH OOH OOH!" said the flying monkey, the Jester got annoyed "haven't we been through this before? I don't, speak, monkey" the monkey whimpered. The Jester looked at his crystal ball and saw Dorothy gale walking to candy county "That's her? That's Dorothy Gale the witch slayer from Kansas? Why she's just a little girl" the jester said surprised "and she's headed to candy county aha! Well I'll have her taste their treats!" He gags himself "and their justice" a kisses the crystal ball "YOU!" He whipped his head around to the flying monkey "ready your minions, were going to double our efforts! Go to the emerald City" the Jester then kicks the monkey off the tower and the monkey flies back up. The Jester then pointed the broom stick at the monkey "Join the others!" The monkey then does a salute pose while flying in the air, " and don't come back without that Scarecrow!" The jester looked at the orb on the broomstick "I have have special plans for him" The flying monkey with the purple mohawk then called his minions and they flew to emerald City. Meanwhile at emerald City the other flying monkeys heard a racket outside of the tower, One of the flying monkeys then flew across the room to the window, looked outside and then saw lion,scarecrow, and tin Man making the racket. Lion and Scarecrow we're playing Tinman like he was some kind of instrument. The flying monkey got frustrated he then call out the rest of the flying monkeys in the room to go and chase them "are you sure this is going to work?" Said lion twirling Tinman's arm in the air while holding Tinman's body. " Trust me I've got it all figured out" replied Scarecrow holding Tinman's head "easy for you to say" Tinman said, The group of flying monkeys then rush towards the trio "ready set" said scarecrow as he was getting ready to tell Lion to run " RUN!" yelled scarecrow. The 2 of them run with parts of TinMan in their arms "RUN!? THAT'S THE PLAN" LION WAS SHOCKED "Mmhm!" Replied the positive Scarecrow "engaging neutral synaptic stimulation sequence" Scarecrow Scarecrow did the math in his head to figure out how the plan would turn out, then all of a sudden more flying monkey swooped in upon the castle "Holy smokes!, they must have called for reinforcements!" Said the surprised Scarecrow " WHAT DO WE DO NOW!?" Yelled the scared lion
Scarecrow then panicked " ABORT ABORT ABORT!" Scarecrow yelled as he ran with Tinman arms in his hands
"AH! AHH!" TINMAN SCREAMED the trio then jumped off of the emerald City Tower and hit another tower. Lion grabbed on to the side of the tower and then his nail started scraping on it all Tinman and Scarecrow held on, The flying monkey then flew down towards the three, lion then put more pressure on his hand to the castle making a scraping sound that triggered the monkey ears. The trio then fell off of the castle and when Scarecrow was falling holding Tinman's said lion fell on scarecrow and he let go of Tinman's head. Lion and Scarecrow along with Tinman's body fall on a banner and they make a parachute out of it, while the flying monkeys played with TinMan's head and tossed it around the trio then came around and collected Tinman's head back and put it back on him while the flying monkey flew after them again. Tin Man blue a raspberry at the flying monkeys chasing after them but then all of a sudden one of the flying monkeys flew and grabbed scarecrow. Lion, and Timman fell without the third support of the parachute. "H-huh!? WAIT GUYS GUYS WAIT! LET ME-" before Scarecrow could finish his sentence The flying monkey threw him inside a big brown sack and flew away with him. While Lion and Tinman were falling Lion grabbed onto a tower again while Tinman hung onto him but this time his nails began to scrape off him and his fingers bled "LION YOUR NAILS!" Tinman screamed in shock lion grunted in pain loudly. The both then reached the bottom and Lion fell on his knees "F*CK F*CK! My fingers!!" Lion clinched his wrist looking at his bloody fingers where his claws used to be "H-HEY I-I-ITS GONNA BE OK IT'S GONNA-" Tinman looked up at the sky and saw the flying monkeys flying away with Scarecrow in the big brown sack "oh no..." Tinman shakely said. A while later In another place in Oz Dorothy recruits China princess in the group, We are then at the Jester's Castle where the Jester is wheeling on his unicycle juggling bouncy colorful balls in his hands "what in the land if Oz it's taking so long?" The Jester said annoyingly he then heard the sound of the flying monkeys and then looked outside at the window joyfully and saw the monkeys carrying a big brown sack "ha ha! he's here!" The Jester said joyfully "All I do so love having an important guest!" The Jester then rode down a flight of stairs in his unicycle, when the Jester reach the bottom of the castle the flying monkeys flew away "distinguished company!" He said, The flying monkey with the purple mohawk then released the rope on the big brown sack imprisoning Scarecrow, when the monkey released the rope Scarecrow was released from the Brown sack but he was tied up "welcome!" The Jester greeted Scarecrow. Scarecrow then struggle and grunted trying to loosen the ropes tying him up "you always tie your company up?" Scarecrow said in a sassy annoyed tone, Jester looked at Scarecrows and smirked "my dearest apologies, I just didn't want you running away!" Jester said, Scarecrow looked at him with a bothered face. "W-what do you want for me?" Scarecrow stuttered "I'm glad you ask!" The Jester was smirking "do you want to know why I wear this costume all the time?" Asked the jester "why?" Scarecrow replied "my wicked sister did this to me, and I'm afraid it's irreversible, which means I. Can't. Take. It. Off. Ever" The jester said that while taking multiple jester costumes off him to only he dropped another one over and over again "okay I'm sorry, but what does that have to do with me?" Questioned Scarecrow and jester then answered "well now, I'm ready to embrace a whole new role at the ruler of Oz" The gesture then released Scarecrow from the ropes and scarecrow then twirled around, Jester then turn around to Scarecrow "and you're going to give me a good Oz-keeping seal approval!" Jester said joyfully at the pointed finger guns at Scarecrow, Scarecrow then looked at Jester with a look of disbelief "ha! Like I to let you rule over my kingdom and the land of oz? No way! No how! No never!" The Jester looked at Scarecrow with a annoyed look "ugh, I had a feeling you say that, just like all the others" the red curtain then revealed the row of puppets in cases, Scarecrow gasped "what have you done to them!?" Scarecrow covered his mouth in shock. The Jester looked at him menacingly "they all had their fair share of disagreement....and they paid the price" Jester looked at Scarecrow with a grin, Scarecrow backed away from the scene in horror "n-no...t-this can be real!" He put his hands over his eyes wanting to look at horrifying scene, when he opened his eyes back up again Jester was nowhere to be seen. "Hello? Where did you go?" Then when Scarecrow turned around he was hit upside the head with a metal bat by Jester and was knocked out "let's try something new" fed the jester with a vicious look, then gesture took scarecrow by the ankles and dragged him out of the main room. After a while Scarecrow's eyes started to open. His vision with Hazy at first but when it cleared up he saw a stone ceiling Gray above him "ugh, my head" Scarecrow groaned, he then tried to stand up but then he just collapsed onto the ground "what the?" He sat up and then looked down at his legs and then what he saw horrified him, to his knees down, his legs were cut off.

 His vision with Hazy at first but when it cleared up he saw a stone ceiling Gray above him "ugh, my head" Scarecrow groaned, he then tried to stand up but then he just collapsed onto the ground "what the?" He sat up and then looked down at his le...

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why me? (tortured Scarecrow AU) legends of oz Where stories live. Discover now