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Third person pov

Currently jimin is standing with folded arms in the beach sand and watching the calm waves of the sea while trying to calm his mind. His eyes are glistening, tears are threatening to fall but jimin is controlling himself.

"Why can't I be happy when he is the on who made all the mistakes? I didn't make any mistakes. My heart didn't think that I would do any harm to anyone. But all you have done to me is pain and suffering."

"You show me a way but in the end you block that way"

"Will my life end like this? I just wanted to lead a peaceful life but now I don't even know whether that word peace even exist in my life "

"He has destroyed the only evidence I had against him. Now I don't know what to do. Where to go, whom to ask, how to ask. Everything is just blank for me now. But I have faith in myself, no matter how many times I fall down, I will get back up with the same energy and strength"

While jimin mumbling about his misery to himself, his phone rang. He took out his phone and saw the caller id. It was his mother. Jimin gritted his teeth and hanged up. Again his mother called but jimin didn't attend. He can't just forget those incidents and talk with her normally like nothing happened. Be it his mother or anyone, as a mother she didn't even understand him. She told him get out of his house and slapped him for the sake of someone, they are still fresh in his mind how can he forget it? No he can't even if he dies he can't forget it he may forgive it but not forget. Again his phone rang, jimin was about to throw his phone in the sea but stopped when he noticed the caller id, it was his sister Leora. He immediately attended it.

"Hello Leo?"

"Jimin why are you not attending mom's call?"

"How are you Leo. How is your injuries. Did you take your meds and meals on time?"

"Jimin I asked you something "

"So you called for asking this? Not because you want to talk to me. That's all I'm for you right?"

"Minnie no not like that. Mom is worryi--"

"I don't need any explanation leora and I also don't want to know what others think about me. I don't care whether you care for me or not but I care for you so much, so tell me how is your injuries?"

"I'm alright now jimin but mom---"

"Did you went for check up? What did doctor said? Can you walk now?"

"Yes I went, doctor said that the external injuries are healed but my internal injuries are in progress so It will take some more time for me to walk and mo---"

"Okay then I'm hanging up. Don't forget to take your meals on time bye. Soon I will come and meet you" With that Jimin disconnected the call.


"I don't know what to do after this tae. My mind is completely blank now" jimin complained to taehyung while sipping his coffee. Theyvare sitting in the same cafe where they used to meet usually.

"Don't worry jimin. We will find a way soon"

"Still now I don't get how jungkook got to know the password?"

"Yes it's a big question mark"

"Tae I'm having only 24 days to complete my challenge. By seeing our circumstances I'm silghtly afraid of loosing this. I have to win it at any cost no matter what because this is the only chance that God gave to uncage myself from that hellhole." Jimin said worriedly.

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