The anus exploring of a handsome teacher and two young roommate students | 18+

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It was the seventh of September. My summer break has just ended and it was finally the time for me to begin attending university. I decided to major in modern art history. As I made my way to the university campus I bumped into my old high school friend who I haven't seen in 4 years, her name was rose. Our reunion was cut short since she promised her boyfriend to help out in his store. I shrugged it off and I went to the art building in the campus and oh boy was the university giant. I gave my form to the reception and I made my way to my class. I followed my schedule only to end up to a  door frame with a tall, muscular tan dude. He gently welcomed me and he introduced himself as the moder art history teacher. He was a tad bit grumpy but I dismissed it. He had a short goat beard, a turquoise blouse with a white collar and khaki pants. He looked too young to be a teacher, he was 27 at most but his voluntary muscles did not disappoint. As he sat down I begun to bite my lip I felt his gaze staring at me I was so focused on him I didn't pay attention to the lesson, soon enough 3 weeks passed with me just staring at him. As usual I focused on his chest and I traced his breathing patterns, he sure has great stamina. I begun to doodle in my sketchbook imaging how he'd look like as a swimsuit model, at this point I was blushing so hard it would not take much for someone to mistake my cheeks for a crime scene. My focus on him soon begun to loosen as I saw him stretch out his hand reaching for some sheets of paper. I thought it was just a questionnaire but when he gave me my sheet I have frozen in my seat. I felt my guts tie into a knot as I've read that it's a test that makes up 40% of my total grade. 'Oh no!' I thought to myself as I haven't studied at all. I begun to chew on my pencil as my vision blurred as soon as I try to read the questions. It was a 5 paged test and soon enough I gave up. I handed in my test as the bell rang. As I headed out to leave I heard his deep manly voice telling us that we will get our results in five days. Those five days were the longest days of my life. When he handed out my test result I wasn't surprised to see a flat zero. I stuttered in disbelief. Rayan pated my should and told me something that brightened up my day. "I know how you've always been a great student in your previous school so I have decided to let you retake the test. I'll give you time to practice for the test. And if you'd like to consult me about anything feel free to ask me." I jumped in excitement and I hugged him, not long after I ran off to the cafeteria. I begun to look for a tutor to help me ace the exam, no tutors were free this afternoon and I begun to lose hope. I slowly walked to Ryan's classroom and I asked him if he knew any other students that could help me out for the test he shrugged and said that everyone was occupied in that short notice. Slowly I started to sob knowing I'll just fail twice. He sighed and said he'll be my tutor. He wiped my tears with his thumb and we started to make plans for the tutoring session, we arranged the tutoring session at my apartment since his wife is preparing him a surprise at home. The tutoring session begins in 6PM. As soon as the bell rang for the end of the day I took a bus home. At 5PM sharp I lit up a rose candle at a table and put rose pedals on it. I changed from my pyjamas to a tight mini skirt and a semi transparent button up shirt. I wore my best underwear underneath but overall it wasn't anything fancy. I put on some perfume and some maroon lipstick. It was a quarter to 5PM but I heard the doorbell ring. I quickly untied my hair and I let it loose. I rushed to the door and I welcomed him inside. I sat him down and I took out my notebook. I purposefully dropped my pencil and I bent over to get it but out head bumped since he reached for it aswell. As our head bumped I smelt his cologne and oh boy how it suited him well! He chuckled and apologized and so did I. I got up from the seat and I slowly walked to to my ac as he smiled at me. I turned off the ac hoping he'd get hot and take off his shirt so I can finish my drawing calendar of him as a swimsuit model. I sat down and I looked at him as he slowly started sweating. "It's quite hot isn't it? Do you have an ac or something to cool down?" Rayan said. "My ac has broken down to to malfunction." I replied. He chuckled "No worries I'll just find a way to cool down.." he surely looked uncomfortable. I grinned in my head knowing he'd take off his blouse . "Can I take my shirt off, it's burning hell in here." he said whilst I nodded as the girn in my head widened. He took off his blouse revealing a white undershirt. "Damn it.." I said under my breath, he looked at me confused before saying "Is something wrong? Am I making you uncomfortable?.." "No, no. It's nothing." I replied. I started twirling my hair around my finger out of boredom. "Are you also feeling hot." he said. "What makes you think that?" I asked. "You're sweating a lot. Come on I'll help you." he said before getting up from the seat and slowly approaching me. As I felt his breath on my skin he slowly unbuttoned my sheer shirt. His beard brushed against my forehead, his breathing was slow. I put my hand on his chest, I felt his strong heart beat. He grabbed my hand and he kissed me before taking off my shirt. In advance I took off his undershirt revealing his abs. They were so define.. I felt butterflies in my stomach, I felt guilty for feeling like this beacause a teacher but at the same time it felt so good... He makes my heart ache in pain when I'm further away from him. He placed his hand on my spine while I was lost in thoughts. His gaze made me snap back in reality, every feature about him was attractive. If only one was perfect he'd surely be the one.. At this point I was sitting in just a tight mini skirt and a bra. He pulled me closer and kissed me passionately, I closed my eyes and I followed his tongue. His tongue was deep in my mouth it felt like it was massaging my throat.. A string of saliva appeard as he pulled his mouth away. My lipstick smeared all on his mouth. He looked away for a mere second before I asked him if anything is bothering him. He looked away again and replied "By doing this I'm cheating on my wife." "Only that?" I replied. "I'm better than that old hag.." I placed my hand on his chin then I pulled his face so it'll look right in mine. "I can give you everything that old hag can, if not even more. I can make you feel things she can't. If you'd liked her more in the first place you wouldn't be here, would you?" I looked him submissively in his charming sage green eyes. He took one last looked at me before taking my hand off his and he dragged me to a wall next to my apartment exit door then he pinned me against the wall. He raised both of my hands and he pinned them against the wall using one hand, the immense blush on my face wasn't hard to notice during that moment. He slid his knee between my legs and he put his free hand on my waist. He brushed the hair off my face tucking it behind my ear as his mouth slid down from my chin to my thyroid cartilage. He started kissing it as if it was a winning lottery ticket. He kissed it deeply resulting in a hickey, but that was the least of my bothers. "Aaah.. ~" I said whilst he was kissing it. His saliva was dripping down my neck as my felt his warm mouth continue pressing on my thyroid cartilage. He was making me feel thing I've never felt before, I couldn't even describe it. Deep kissing noises filled the room. I felt a shiver down my spine but in a satisfactory manner. I looked up at the celling as I let his mouth do its job. His lips were soft but his kisses were passionate and aggressive. His beard brushed against my neck, it was if a soft porcupine was touching me. I loosened up as soon as moved his hand from my waist to my left upper thigh. I could feel it piercing trough my blood vessels. "M-mmph.. ~" I moaned as he moved his lips to my clavicle. He was so dominant I was wondering if he's not only that dominant in make out sessions but also in intimate moments in bed. Oh those thoughts made me tremble in excitement. He brushed all the hair off my clavicle and he bit me lovingly. He moved his free hand from my left upper thigh to my chest and he begun to undo my bra until a sound ensued behind us. Someone unlocked our door. It was my roommate Terrence has just arrived after I've asked him to buy some alcohol few hours prior of Rayans arrival. To no surprise Terrence was shocked. "I bought alcohol like you asked. I guess you don't need it." I looked in horror at Terrence as he'd just seen me doing this with our art history professor. Rayan quickly backed away and I held tight on my bra. I looked at Terrence with my face pale as a ghost. I held my bra with only right hand as I rubbed my eyes with my free hand. Terrence was drunk. I sighed in relief, he'd probably forget all about this tomorrow. It looks like he drank one third of the four liters of alcohol he bought. I fixed my bra and I seated Terrence down. "Why is it hot in here?" Terrence asked as a small hiccup followed. "The ac broke down, remember?" I say as I slowly wink at Terrence. Terrence winked back before he took of his shirt revealing his abs. I could've sworn I've seen Rayan blush, but this was usual behavior for me so I was not surprised, but I have to say I'm still impressed by his abs. I took the bottle of alcohol and I poured Rayan and I a cup. "Don't I get one too now..?" Terrence said. "You've had your fair share of alcohol plus you're drunk over the top. " Terrence sulked as Rayan and I drank remainder of the alcohol. Soon enough all of us were drunk over heels. Rayan rolled over me on the couch and he took off my tight mini skirt off. I chuckled them I took off Terrence pants then Rayner took off his pants. All of us were in underwear, or that's what I thought... Terrence took off Rayners boxers and I was shocked to say the least. In return Rayner took off Terrences underwear. I sat there shocked. Terrence approached me fully naked and he pinned me against the couch. He took off my panties and licked the discharge off it. Then he signaled Rayan to undo my bra. Terrence pulled my head and he pushed his cock in my mouth "A-.. ~" I moaned. "Suck it up like a good girl. ~" Terrence said as Rayan took his cock and pushed it in my anus. Terrence pulled his cock out and he begun to lick Rayans ass whilst Rayan was thrusting in my pussy. The room was dead silent expect for the thrusting noises and the sound of Terrence trying to make Rayan shit in his mouth. Rayans cock was like a drug.. I couldn't get enough for it. It was so addictive. "AHH! ~" I said as Rayan begun to thrust faster and more aggressive. "I'm about to cum!" Rayan said as Terrence rushed and licked all the cum. Gulping noises ensue in the background. After Terrence sucked the cum dry he shoved his dick in my anus while he was pushing down my abdomen to make me shit on his dick. While he slid it out it was covered in feces and I was embarrassed he started drawing dicks on my and Rayan skink with his fece covered dick. After Terrence got the satisfactory of smearing shit on everyone, Ryan pissed in his mouth. I was panting heavily, and I had love bites all over my body. It was about 11PM now, our fun was disrupted with a phone call. It was Rayans phone. His wife worryingly called him as she has been waiting hours to surprise him, Rayan quickly jumped and cleaned my smudged lipstick off him and he got dressed so it wouldn't seem like he's having an affair. Rayan left and it was only me and Terrence now and we both slept together. The next day I woke up at 6AM, I took a shower and I got dressed and ready to leave for university. I hid my hickey before entering class. It was 7AM by the time I arrived. I was over the moon when I saw Rayan again, but that was soon disrupted when I realized I had to retake my exam. I slowly approached Rayans desk in sorrow. "Hey Alm, how are you doing?" he greeted me feeling refreshed by our love session yesterday. " Can I retake the exam another day..." I replied. "You don't have to, you passed with an 100% for showing me another type of art." he said as he winked. I was happy and I sat down on my desk ready for this night again, or was it an one night stand?...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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