I'm Home ~One Shot~

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Normal P.O.V

You were standing by the fireplace, making a stew for you and your 6 year old son to share for dinner. As you shifted, your hip knocked off the tasting spoon from the table. "Ah Link? Could you... come..." You stopped what you were saying, realizing Link wasn't here anymore. He's been gone for 5 months. You looked down sadly before bending over. That's when your son came in.
"Mommy I got it-" You cut him off.
"No it's ok honey I got it. You'll burn yourself, it's hot." You said with a gentle smile. You grabbed the spoon, used to the feeling. You have many burn marks on your back from your journey to Death Mountain. Some on your arms are self-inflicted but let's not talk about those. You were about to stand up but then you felt a pain in your stomach. "Oof..." you let out a shaky breath and put a hand on your stomach.
"Mommy are you ok?" (S/n) asked in a worried tone as he looked up at you with his big sparkly blue eyes. You smiled at him again, weakly, sweating a bit.
"I'm alright honey." You slowly stood up and tossed the spoon into a bin to wash it later. You let out another sigh and grabbed the ladle, scooping some soup into bowls. You then heard a knock on the door.
"Mommy I got it!" Your son yelled, trying to help as best as he could.
"Make sure you ask who it is before opening it!" You yelled back. You looked over at him and let out a soft chuckle. "Mommy, it's Miss Uli!" He yelled as a girl walked in the house with a big smile.
"My you've grown. Have you been taking good care of your mom?" She leaned down to meet your sons height. You giggle softly and walked over, a hand on your stomach. Uli hugged you gently, careful of the baby in your stomach.
"Wow your stomachs gotten bigger." She giggled, making you giggle too.
"So Uli, what brings you here?" You asked with an innocent smile.
"Ah, yes." Uli takes a letter out of her bag with a flower tied to it. "You know, Talo is still crushing on you." She winked before both of you started laughing.
"Aw well tell the kid I said thank you."
"Sure thing. Man I haven't seen you in such a long time. Since you got pregnant you haven't come outside." She said worried.
"Yeah it's a pain to climb up and down that ladder in the early stages of pregnancy, I don't know how I'd do this late in." You laughed nervously.
"Oh I would imagine." She smiled. "Well, I should get going." She said.
"Would you like to take home some of this soup?" You asked and motioned to the big pot.
"Oh no thank you honey. We have a lot for ourselves at home." She laughed.
"Alright." You smiled sweetly.
"Bye bye dear! And (S/n), take good care of your mother until your father comes home alright?"
"Yes ma'am!" (S/n) saluted. You smile and ruffle his hair before going back to the kitchen.
"(S/n)? Will you please go get the mail for me?"
"Yes momma!" He yelled and ran out the house and climbed down the ladder. While he was gone, you took the time to let a few tears go, and hold your stomach in pain. This has been the hardest 5 months of your life. After a minute, you take a deep breath in and take the time to recollect yourself. You wipe your eyes and sniffle, making sure it wasn't obvious you had been crying. "Momma momma!!!" Your son came running in.
"Yes honey? What is it?" You asked as he grab your hand and started tugging. He was overly excited for an unknown reason to you. He pointed at the door and looked straight ahead with wide sparkly eyes. You slowly look up and your eyes widened immediately. There was a male standing at the door with a familiar green tunic. He held his arms open with a warm smile.
"I'm home..." He said sweetly. You took no time to run there and jump in his arms. You buried your face in his chest and started crying immediately. You gripped his shirt.
"I thought you were never coming home..." You whimpered, blushing a bit.
"I always come home don't I?" He asked with a sly smile. "Sorry I've been gone for so long..." You looked in his eyes and let more tears go. You grabbed the back of his head and stood on your toes, bringing your lips to him. He wrapped his arms around your waist and held you close, kissing back. He grunted softly and pulled away. "1...2...3?" He asked. He looked down. He felt 3 bumps instead of 2.
"Ah...The night before you left..." was all you had to say before his eyes widened and he looked back in your eyes, panicking. He put his hands on your stomach and almost started crying immediately.
"I left you all alone like this?" He asked worried. He got on his knees and kissed your stomach repeatedly. You blush and smile.
"It's ok..." You whispered and ran your fingers through his hair.
"I'm a terrible husband and father... I can't even take care of my pregnant wife and son..." He said sadly. You frown.
"No! Link, no." You said firmly and cupped his cheeks, forcing him to look up at you. "You try your best. You go on adventures and almost get yourself killed to support us! That's being more than just a good husband and father. It's being a fantastic husband and father." You smile gently. He smiled back and stood, capturing your lips once more. He looked over to your son that was standing there, shy. Link got on his knees again and held his arms open.
"Come here sport." He smiled brightly. (S/n)'s eyes lit up and he ran into Link's arms, teary eyed. Link chuckled and hugged him tightly. He kissed his head. "Have you been taking good care of your mom while I was gone?" He asked seriously.
"Yes sir!" He saluted. Link chuckled and ruffled his hair.
"That's my boy." Link pinched (S/n)'s cheek before picking him up. He held his other arm open for you to join. You smiled and wrapped your arms around your family.


Your family was sitting at the dinner table, eating dinner together once again. Link was telling his crazy stories, fascinating (S/n) with them. Link was always good with that, he was a great father. He was always able to play with (S/n) whenever (S/n) wanted to play, he told him crazy stories, he tucked him in, and he was strict only when he needed to be. He was the best father in the world in yours and your sons eyes. But sometimes he acted too much like a child. You even got him confused with your son at times. You were enjoying the tea you made, when suddenly your son got on his knees in front of you and looked up at you with cute puppy dog eyes.
"Eh?" You asked.
"Momma?" He asked cutely. Link got down on his knees next to him and gave you the same exact face.
"Y-yes?" You asked a bit nervously.
"Can you bake us a cake?" Link asked innocently. You blinked a few times before laughing a bit.
"Ok ok." You set your cup down and start to stand. You put a hand on your stomach. Link stood up quickly and grabbed your hand, putting his other hand on your hip and helping you up slowly. You stand straight and look up at him.
"What kind of husband would I be if I can't help you as much as possible when you're pregnant?" Link snickered. "Plus, I have to make up for all that time I've been gone." He said determined. You smiled sweetly and hold his hand tightly.
"Thank you." You close your eyes and pucker your lips. Link smiled and leaned down, kissing you. You walked to the kitchen, and every time you asked for something, either Link or (S/n) was there to help you. You knocked something off of the counter again, but just as you were about to bend down to get it, Link already scooped it up.
"Here you go baby." He smiled and kissed your head. You blushed slightly and take the knife, smiling a bit. You set it in the bin and continue putting the cake together then put it in to bake. You sighed softly and put a hand on your stomach, grunting a bit. "Are you ok?" Link asked as he put his hands on your stomach. You smiled weakly.
"It's a lot more painful than when I was pregnant with (S/n)." You said before letting out a shaky breath. Link gave you a worried look and lead you to your chair.
"I'm sorry I put you in so much pain..." He kissed you softly. You shake your head and cupped his face, looking into the eyes you loved so much.
"I wanted this. It's fine." You smiled sweetly.
"Mommy! The timer went off!" (S/n) yelled from the kitchen.
"Ah, I'm coming!" You yelled. You were about to stand but Link stopped you.
"No, stay here, I got it." He smiled. You nodded and watched him leave, smiling.


After you let the cake cool and you ate it, You and Link washed up before helping your son wash up. Then, it was bed time. You let your son stay up longer than usual since Link came home. You laid your baby boy in bed and Link tucked him in. You both gave him kisses and Link told him one more story before he fell asleep. You smiled sweetly and grabbed Link's hand, leading him to your bed.
You laid down on your back, and Link crawled on top of you. He kissed you gently on the lips, and your move your arms to wrap them around his neck. You kissed him back gently, but soon just a small kiss turned into a heated make out session. Nothing further than that though. Once you pulled away for air, you looked in his eyes, almost crying. He smiled a bit and held you close to him.
"I won't leave you again. Not unless I absolutely have to ok?" He said in a gentle soothing voice. You nod and cry as your bury your face in the crook of his neck. He rubbed your back and kissed your head softly. Soon, he plopped down next to you and kissed your cheek, setting his hand on your chest. "Goodness. It won't stop kicking..." He chuckled softly.
You giggled quietly and nodded "Trust me I know." You sigh quietly and set your hand on his. He smiled and kissed your neck.
"I love you... (Y/n)..."
"I love you too..." You said before falling asleep. You fell asleep without any problems for the first time in 5 months. You were never comfortable sleeping unless Link was there. And here he was, home again.

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