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You were in the airport, sitting quietly reading your book as your mother was booking the tickets for the flight, and out of nowhere a man appeared and pointed the gun at your mom threatening the staff that if he didn't get the money within five minutes he would shoot her and also warned not to ring the alarm bell and that's when your instincts took over.

You threw your book to the side, ran towards him and bit him really hard in the hand. The robber moaned in pain as his gun dropped to the floor, you quickly picked it up, your hands were trembling when you realised that you shot your own mother! How? As you were going to shoot the robber, he gave you a hard push with his leg which resulted in you shooting your own mother. Your eyes boiled up with tears when you realised what you had just done and that's when you grew furious.

You pointed the gun to that pathetic robber aiming for his heart- 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10... Blood.

You woke up from that horrible nightmare, not knowing what to do you sobbed quietly. Then you heard a knock on your door, it was your mother and you were happy of the fact that she was still alive but you were still worried that what just happened in your dream might turn out to be true.

You were going to visit your aunt who stayed in England so you packed up all your things and left for the airport. You noticed that your mom was wearing the same blue top and long skirt which you had seen in your dream and you insisted a lot that she should change but failed when your mom told it was her favourite and that her aunt too wanted to see her in that dress. Later, when you reached the airport the exact same things happened to you. Your white top stained with blood, your tears dripping down like a waterfall and the gun you held with your two hands killed two people, your beloved mother and the reason behind this occurrence.

Six dreadful years later...

You woke up quite early in the morning packed your things for school, slid a pocket knife into your sock, a mini gun into a pocket strap tied around your thigh but small enough not to get noticed and a bug spray just in case any idiot tried to do anything to you. Yes, you grew up to be bolder, tougher, straightforward. You grew up to be a yandere...

But still you were your class's sweetheart and it was quite easy cause all you had to do was act and you had pretty good features too like red hair with orangish blond at the tips more like burning fire and your eyes a mixture of blue and a light shade of violet which made you look cool and cute. Your looks and your character were something everyone adored.

On your way to class you heard some girls gossiping about six hot guys that transferred to this night school. Yes, you went to a night school because you couldn't afford to go out during the day but the only thing that made you want to know more about these people because you had a strange feeling that told you to stay away but you were not that type, if someone or something told you to stay away you would just investigate more about them. You were standing on the second floor just looking around but something caught your eye. You saw those six being crowded by a great number of girls. They were following them like a tail, then you noticed the fedora guy looking at you. He gave you his signature smile and winked. Unlike other girls who would just faint and fall, you glared daggers at him clearly telling him to stay away from you. He just chuckled and went away.

The bell rang and it was time for class, you mentally face palmed when you found out that the creepy teddy bear dude, the blonde and the fedora guy will be your classmates. The fedora guy flirted with each and every girl in the class except for you cause you would never even look at him, You didn't even dare to look at him, he was just so... Annoying, while the one with the teddy bear spoke to his dear friend teddy and laughed like a maniac which made you flinch a teensy weensy bit. There was also this blonde haired girl who's name seems to be Yui, she looked as if she could die of heart attack any moment and for some reason you wanted to stab her hard. The one reason why you hated that fedora guy was because of his popularity, you earned yours through hard work but he, all he would do is flash a smile and the girls would fall for him. Now you wanted to know more about Yui, you didn't like her and wanted her dead right this instance (yandere mode up).

She hadn't done anything wrong to you, you just wanted her to be gone, that's all.
So you started to investigate her and soon you learnt all about her, that she lives with those maniacs, the time she sleeps, eats, takes a bath, everything.

You knew when she would be free so you took her to the dressing room saying that you wanted to tell something important to her. When you reached there you took out your pocket knife and hid it behind your back, you didn't notice at all that a certain red-head was watching you. You cornered Yui to the wall and said "Yui-chan I brought a present for you~". She seemed quite excited as you brought out your cute little gift out for her to see. Now her expression had completely changed into a mix of confusion and fear as she realised what you were going to do, oh, how you loved that expression one that beautiful face of hers. "W-w-what is this (y/n) ?" She asked. "A knife and your end" you stated as you stabbed her in the heart. You took out your tissue as wiped that disgusting blood that covered your hand, sanitised it and hid all the evidences that related you to killing her.

Then suddenly you heard someone clapping, you turned to see who it was and it was the fedora guy. You didn't know his name so you called him that. "My my, slut-chan who knew you would do that to my bitch-chan..." His voice trailed off as those words still echoed in your head, millions of questions piled up in your brain, you became a yandere because of the people around you, they called you murderer, filth, bitch and also a slut. You remembered how people kept their distance from you, even your aunt deserted you. You were all alone, no one for you to depend on and so you decided to kill all those people who called you those names, knew what you did and treated you like filth. Yes, those whole six years that's what you have been doing, never caught once, never blamed upon because everyone pitied you when they heard how your mother died but they didn't know the truth.

You learnt how you could never trust people and that they would ignore you once they realise what you had done and by the way it was not your fault that you shot your mother, it was his, that damn robber's.

Then you came back to reality, you blinked your eyes twice and flinched a bit when you saw him only a few inches away from your face. You took out your bug spray and SPLASH!!! You sprayed. He moaned in pain as he grabbed his eye, "you're gonna regret this slut-chan" he said. "Yeah, in hell" you said as you walked away. Your back pressed to the back of the door as you just realised what you had done, you did regret it and you didn't know what he would do but one thing was for sure you had to be more cautious.

While on the other hand Laito let go of his eye as a smirk escaped his lips when he thought to himself what he could do to you to make you regret each and every moment you ignored him. He didn't even take the time to glance at Yui's limp body. He was just lost in his own train of thoughts.

You brainstormed trying to find a reason as to why you killed Yui, you took the feeling in as hatred but you knew what the actual feeling was.....Jealousy.

(A/N: dear readers, I really appreciate the fact that you read this chapter plz continue reading as I write more chapters plus I DO NOT OWN DIABOLIK LOVERS or the picture the credit goes to the rightful owner, I'm just the owner of my novel and my imagination and I really hope you liked this novel. BYE! :D)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2015 ⏰

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