1 - the intro

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As the sun set over the harbor, the lights of the city came on one by one. I realized what I had just seen. I realized what I had just done. I peeled the bloody wedding gloves off of my unmarried hands and threw them into the fire. Man, I thought, What the hell did I just do? I was faced with the difficult question: do I or don't I put the fire out? I mean I have never burned a body let alone killed someone before. I finally decided that I should put the fire out. So I took buckets of water and threw them on the fire and the body washed into the sea. And then, I slowly, struggling took off my bloody wedding dress and threw it into the ocean. I carefully snuck back to my car hoping none of those city lights I saw came on saw me.

As I slowly dove home, I created my alibi: after being stood up at the alter, I went home in tears and then I decided I wanted something to drink. I went down to the Alcohol Grill and ordered something strong and had a couple of refills, but it was so strong that I don't remember what it was. And then I left the bar and passed out in my car, when I awoke I realized I must have forgotten to lock my car in that drunken haze and my wedding dress disappeared from the backseat. Wait, I thought, If I mention the wedding attire then I sound very guilty, how would I have known my wedding dress was at the scene of the crime? So I decided to leave off that part unless he asked.

I then went home and got in the bath for a nice relaxing soak that didn't end up happening. As soon as I started running the bath, there was a knock on the door. So I had to quickly put on a robe and turn the water off. I went to the door and there, was a cop, standing right there on the threshold. "Dolores Cienfuegos, I'd like to ask you a few questions." The sheriff, Andy Turner, said. "Well, can't you see I am a bit occupied. Can you come back in a few hours?" I asked, very annoyed. Andy looked at me with no sympathy, for a moment I thought he already knew that I was guilty. "No Ma'am, I am very sorry for this inconvenience, but I will allow you 30 minutes to get dressed." 

Her wedding sucked but continued to go downhill from thereWhere stories live. Discover now