The Price for True Love

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It was during the night of the full moon, when the Prince took to casting a spell through his piano and into the halls of his radiant and magnificent castle.

He sent for his servants to gather everyone within its walls to hear him play.

The room soon floods, and everyone makes their way to be as close to the Prince as possible.

He raises his arms, and the room falls silent.

Within seconds, the Prince played his enchanting instrument, whisking himself and everyone else away into a dream.

As he played you could feel the waves of sound consume the room with melodies of blissful thoughts and longing hearts.

The Moonlight that poured itself into the room glowed brighter, for it was becoming enriched by the sound of his playing.

When he was done, the audience took a deep breath, and applauded for the divine experience.

Everyone in the kingdom adored the Prince, though, despite their ever present company, the Prince couldn't help but feel a void within him.

A Princess in a neighboring kingdom was feeling the same way, on the same night.

She was playing her harp that was engraved with roses, and as she played, her attendants couldn't help but shed tears through their closed eyes that glistened in the moonlight's heavenly glow.

Memories of childhood lullabies blanketed the room, and everyone, swayed side to side, whirled away into visions of hopes and happy endings.

When the Princess arrived at the end of her song, the people wiped their eyes and praised her for the holy experience. The Princess stood up, gave a bow, and thanked them with a heavy smile.


On that very night, when everyone was asleep.

The two snuck out of their castle, and into the woods that separated their kingdoms.

On their walk to the center of the woods, they wished their dreams to the stars and said

"Oh how I wish I could find something that will make me whole" said the Prince

"Oh how I wish I could find happiness" said the Princess.

Just as soon as they uttered those words, they both tripped and fell into the bottom of a hill, colliding into each other.

Groaning from the pain, the two got up, then started apologizing.

As they brushed their clothes, they looked into each other's eyes; Starstruck and mesmerized by each other's beauty, they introduced themselves.

"Hello..." said the Prince

"Hello..." said the Princess

"Why are you here alone in the woods?" asked the Prince

"Me? Er.. well, you're the gentleman are you? Tell me why YOU'RE here first."

"Urm, well... See that's a difficult matter to discuss..."

"Ha! Hypocrite" smirked the Princess

"Oh! You dare call me a hypocrite? You care to see me in battle?!" Remarked the Prince with a smile, picking up a nearby branch.

"Fine by me" The Princess said as she picked up a branch near her foot.

The two dueled playfully and broke both branches with a final swing.

They both laughed until they fell.

And continued talking and laughing until nearly the break of Dawn.

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