Prince Eclipse x Y/N Female (Based of Therians) part 1

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•Note: I will probably make a part 2 of this as I have a whole story about this so yeah. :)
Art isn't mine•

This story also has: Eclipse, Lunar, Sun, Moon, Earth, Bloodmoon twins as siblings and Killcode as their father.
Sun and moon: First (Sun was born a 1 hour before Moon)
Earth: Third
Bloodmoon twins: Fourth
Lunar: Fifth
Killcode: Father of the siblings, King.

It all started on a stormy night you had been out casted, from your civilisation, your tribe, your home. You often reflected upon this when jumping from building to building along rooftops at night. You thought about the fact that they just left you on your own without a goodbye without any of your things except the clothes you were already wearing.

You sat down on a rooftop which had a particularly good view and thought how everything had gone wrong you were just curious it wasn't your fault. You sighed a deep regretful breath. You didn't think it would come to this. But you have a different life now and you can't spend half of it just sitting around.

You get up and make your way to the edge of the kingdom where you slide down a drain pipe and head to a little cottage. Even by the light of the moon the greenery around it seems to glisten and produce light. You knock on the door firmly before the mail slot on the door opens and a harsh voice (seemingly appearing to be a female's) asks: Purpose?

Y/N: I was told you could supply me with something?

Miss Lily: Ahhh yes the Therian I presume ?

The woman says more kindly and gently than before.

Y/N: Yes but don't say it out loud!!!

Miss Lily: Don't worry no one is around at this hour especially with the safety precautions in place. Sorry please come in come in!

Y/N: *In head* Yeah of course they're precautions it's to keep people like me out!

The door opens as you cautiously walk inside, the air smells like perfume and mysterious scents that you can't seem to identify. Some smells seem to be spice-like others more wistful and lighter.

Miss Lily: So your here for the necklace right?

Y/N: Yes m'a'am.

Miss Lily: Please call me Lily we are friends now. I know you will be having to visit me quite a bit in the future.

Y/N: You can predict the future??? Who granted you this ability?

Miss Lily: I taught myself how to, it's a bit complicated but you get it eventually. Now sit, sit you must being aching.

As you sit down you take in your surroundings and the different colours and crammed shelves full of unidentifiable liquids and ingredients. The walls were white with multicoloured paint splashes making the house more vibrant and happy. All the desk tops and surfaces were covered in gemstones, different ingredients, paints and more. All except the hazelnut wood, dinning room table which was neatly adorned with 1 multicoloured candle in the centre and a light rose-pink table cloth.

Lily: You are aware of the talismans expensive price no?

Y/N: Yes I am, though I can pay a small fragment of the price so I was wandering if I could pay the rest of it in some other way like with work or help with cleaning...

Lily: I see.. Can you fight girl?

Y/N: Pardon?

Lily: Can you fight? Wield a sword? Bow and arrow? Crossbow?

Y/N: I know how to use a bow and arrow though I don't see how this is off use to you unless you want me to be a bodyguard of some kind?

Lily: No of course not! I may seem old but I can tell you that I could take down a army with my bare hands if I wanted to! But I have a proposal. You must know of the King and his heirs by now correct?

Y/N: Yes....

Lily: Well they are having a ball type party in honour of his youngest son getting knighted, and I was invited to attend. I was told to bring a suitable contender to be one of the heirs bodyguards. And I was thinking that you would be a excellent contender.

Y/N: You want me to repay you for buying the necklace to disguise all this *actions to your therian appearance* by body-guarding the people who want me dead?

Lily: When you put it like that I sounds worse and besides the only way they could find out about your appearance is by taking the necklace off so.. Do you want the necklace or what?

Y/N: Is there really no way I can do something else to repay you?

Lily: Nope

Y/N: Why do you even need me to be close the the royals anyway?

Lily: I trust you can keep a secret considering yours is at stake otherwise?

Y/N: I think that's blackmail but still go on.

Lily: In all truth the King has been acting stricter and weirder we need someone inside the castle to watch him.

Y/N: We ?

Lily: Yes the council, we mostly keep this kingdom in check as the King's new behaviour has gotten more serious. So are you in girl?

She says extending a arm for a hand shake.

Y/N: Call me Y/N.

You say as you both shake hands.
(914 words)

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