I Never Wanted You Dead

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Clack clack clack. I tapped my long nails against the dark brown desk impatiently waiting for the text message from Loren. I knew what he was doing, or rather who he was doing, and that thought didn't make me feel any better. I had put him up to it, but that doesn't exactly mean I was pleased with it. I need to know what Zoey is hiding and if that means sharing my boyfriend for one day then so be it.

I stare at the gas lamps that hung in my office as impatience and dread fill my entire being. Once again, I checked my phone for any notification, but like it had been five minutes ago, there was nothing. You set him up to this, it was all your idea. You should be okay with it. I tried to reason with myself, but I was unable to suppress the emotion bubbling inside of me. Jealousy.

Tired of waiting, I grabbed my cell from my desk and headed to Loren's room. I rushed to the room much as I had done before every time, I needed him. Things would be different now. He was going to smell like her, that no good fledgling. I turned the corner trying to keep my mind from thinking about the scene that was going on. Every thought about it just enraged me, I am not the sharing type. I just need to know everything Zoey Redbird knows. I can't have her knowing too much. But then again no one would believe a fledgling over their High Priestess.

After what seems like forever trapped inside my head, the door to Loren's room is finally in front of me and I let myself in. Luckily, we don't believe in locking doors here at this House of Night. Not only does it help in this scenario, but it makes things more interesting. Letting myself into the room, I breathe in its scent, Loren's scent, and desire grows within me. Everything he does is desirable and when he talks or recites poetry, it's like he is holding my heart in his hands. He needs to get back here soon. In the meantime, I decide to take my black dress off revealing a shorter red dress that showed off most of my breasts. Letting my black dress fall to the floor I make my way over to the bed and lay down, waiting for him to finish up.

All I could think about was Loren as his scent intoxicated me. He isn't even here yet and I already feel the need to reclaim what is mine. Images of the two of them together flash through my mind, Loren on top of Zoey. I wish that was me. He shouldn't be on top of her. I should. My inner dialogue shocked me. Zoey wasn't the one I wanted, right? I wanted Loren. There was less certainty behind that statement than there should have been and that scares me.

Suddenly I'm ripped from my thoughts when Loren himself walks through the door. The smell lingering on him was intoxicating but something was off about it. The scent wasn't his normal one. No, this one was more rich and engulfing, almost overwhelming but in a good way.

After slowly getting up from the spot I had claimed on the bed, I made my way over to the younger Vampyre in the doorway. The closer to Loren I got, the stronger that smell was. "I succeeded in fooling the girl." He speaks as he starts to take off his clothes. First the shirt he was wearing, then his pants, leaving him bare of everything except his underwear. Those were the next to go. I stopped my eyes from going any lower and looked at the ceiling before settling on his face as he made his way to lay down on the bed. "You've done well, my darling. Now I know what she knows, and everything is coming together perfectly. It will be a simple thing to continue to isolate her." I began, finally realizing what it was that made him smell so alluring. "I just hope the part you have to play isn't too unpleasant for you." There is a bite to my words.

Arousal starts to set in my core but not because of the Vamp in front of me but because of the scent he carries with him. It is Zoey's. It is the mingling of their blood meaning they have imprinted. Jealousy rises up within me. He wasn't supposed to imprint with her. While he lays on the bed, I pace back and forth trailing my nails against the iron frame of his bed.

"She's easy to lead around. A shiny present here, a pretty compliment there, and you have true love and a popped cherry sacrificed to the god of deception and hormones." Loren laughs before adding "Young girls are so ridiculous-so predictably easy.". He is wrong. Zoey isn't easy, she is a very talented fledgling. Nothing about her should be considered easy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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