I hope she feels the same

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Maya Bishop is a 23 years old baker. she owns a very popular bakery along the Seattle, her bakery became famous because of the bread that she invented and named " prointsant" it is a bread, plain bread but it tastes different from the other bread that the you'll see on every bakery on the Seattle. her bread is so unique. it has a smell that you probably won't forget, it has a taste that will hunt your tongue forever.

Saturday, it's already 10:30 pm and it's almost time to close the bakery. the breads that they sell are almost sold out. yes, almost! there are 10pcs left so Maya decided to put it in a box to give to the homeless she sees on the road instead of selling it. maya started cleaning, she wiped the surface of the shelves with a wet rag, alcohol and soap and then she started to remove the trays where the breads were placed and placed them in the sink. maya washed all the trays and then started to mop the bakery floor. after maya did everything she needed to do at the bakery she looked at her cellphone to see what time it.

Maya checked her phone 'oh, shit it's already late.' Maya saw the time it's already 11:30 and she's supposed to close the bakery at 11:00. so Maya rushed to check all of the switch and then grab all of her things and the box of bread that she's going to give to a homeless people. Maya was about to locked the store when someone stopped her.

"Hey wait." a women shouted.
Maya stopped and looked at the side where the women's voice came.

uhm, hi? do you need something? Maya asked the women.

ah, yes! are you closing already? the women asked.

y-yes! it's already late actually, We actually close at 11:00." Maya to the women.

"ohh" the women said the sighed.

Maya noticed the disappointment on the women's face so she asked the women " are you okay? do you need something? " Maya asked nicely then give the women a smile.

uh, ah actually this is my first time here in Seattle, I came from Italy. the women said.

oh" Maya replied.

and there is, i i, have a addiction to bread, so I asked my friend who lived here where can I buy a bread and this bakery is what she told me, she told me that the breads here are very delicious and addicting. the women said shyly.

but it looks like all the breads are sold out, so I guess I should go back in here tomorrow. the women was about to walked away but I stopped her

Maya felt happy to what the women said. wait, ahh yes! sorry! I a, actually I am the owner of this bakery Maya offered her hand to the woman and said " Maya Bishop" nice to meet you. Maya said to the women.

The woman grabbed Maya's hand and introduced herself. "Wow! hello! I'm Carina Deluca" she said to Maya.

Maya smiled and said "nice to meet you Carina" look actually I still have bread here, I decided not to sell it because it's already late and I have to close the bakery, you can have some. Maya to the women and offered the box of breads.

are you sure Maya? Carina asked

of course, yes! Maya said.

I'll pay that, wait. Carina to Maya.

no, it's okay! you don't have to! Maya said.

no, it's okay, I'll pay you. then she immediately took her wallet from her bag.

oh no! Carina said.

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