test intro

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Honestly you were so fucking scared to do the job, being near to those poor bastards, but when you met some of them, you realized that not everyone are bad.

You talked with them from the hall, at the other side of the door.

People and other security guards call them by their bad taste nicknames, an example of this is about your friend
They call him "nonface"

Newspaper said he is a horrible person, who killed inocent people this wasn't his purpose though, he wanted to face the person who screw up his face.

- Yes I know you hate every class of doctor and actually I don't blame you.

- The only thing I want my payback, don't you wouldn't want it on the people who have hurt you so that you are even?

- I think so, Idk

- Karma doesn't exist, you have to do everthing by your own hands

- I leave you alone already, hope we can talk soon. 

As soon as you stepped out the room, someone came in, you barely could saw his face, all over wrinkles it, bald, tall but above all he was up to no good, it was clear.

- who is that guy? - you asked to one of the other guards but he didn't answer.

Ignoring that, you stepped into the Doll face room.

- Hi lady, are you hungry.?- you gave her the glass of food with a straw

Doll face was your 2nd best friend in there, despite her disorder, just like nonface, she is a really good person, you are totally sure that if it were not for that mother fucker who did this to her, she were a healthy girl.
I might be the only friend these guys have 'cos nobody else wants to be around them" - You reflect on it

- Sometimes I want to get rid of this so I can breath and chew...just like old times, before this happend to me - she said putting the straw through the mask's right eye hole to drink it.

- Hey - you put you hand on hers - you are going to get out of this, sooner or later, you'll be free and you'll return to normal, I'll help you in any way I can I promess you.

- I'm done - she returns the glass to you.
You stand up from the ground where she was sitting "eating" the liquid.
- wait y/n before you leave I want to tell you something, so keep this among us right?

- of course, I'm listening you

- a while ago, and odd man came up to offer me a deal, this  could sound weird but is totally true, if I win some kind of car fights I can wish whatever I want, I would finally get rid of this goddamn mask... this might be my only chance to revert everything, would you help me?

" I didn't know if she was telling something real, due her disorder syntomns I really doubted if she was being real, but I really wanted to believe her, besides I just watched that strange guy walking through the hallways."  - you thought on the other hand, "I've asked to myself why can't a surgeon help her to taking that mask off" she had confess to you she got nails inside her face from that thing, she is really going through much pain.

- Of course I'll do, I promissed you.

She suddenly hugged you.

- Thank you! T/n, you are the best guard around here, and my only friend.

You were blushed to her touch hugging her.

- ok, first, we need to get out of here, I'll tell to the rest of guards some excuse so we can leave from an exit door.

- that won't be necessary. You just have to leave this door and nobody are going to stop you.

- you... - doll face saw him right behind you

You turnaway to face him

The weird bald guy smiled
- I see, you have bring a friend with you, by the way, only one of you can have the wish.

- I know, the wish belongs to her.

- yeah, Of course, if you can win. - that guy laught at you- Doll face, your truck is out there, good luck- he disappeared.

- C'mon y/n, there is no time to waste

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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