Chapter 21- Detainment

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"You all have a good night's sleep?" Eunbi asks everyone as they sit in the cafeteria eating breakfast. It had honestly been a while since they'd all eaten together, and Eunbi wishes the circumstances were a bit different for her to actually enjoy it.

Though most of the girls nod at her question, Eunbi could definitely see that not everyone was telling the truth. Nako and Hitomi in particular looked pretty sleep deprived.

"So, what happened last night, unnie? I heard the Fromis police squad arrived last night." Yuri says.

"Yes, they did, but they already left for their station an hour ago. We exchanged some information, and that's actually going to be our agenda for today." The leader replies. Eunbi had actually offered them breakfast, but Saerom said they had to get back before anyone got suspicious.

"Are you sure we can trust them? The other members of their team, I mean." Sakura asks, eye bags also visible from staying up in her lab all night, something Eunbi had specifically told her not to do.

"I think we can. They seemed genuine when we talked. Saerom and Hayoung are mutants, and they still came with them. I'd like to think that's a good sign." Chaeyeon replies, having been one of the ones present at the meeting last night.

"Anyway, to get it out of the way, Saerom said there's going to be several attacks around Seoul. KYB is going to use the androids to scan for mutants through the water they drank." Eunbi says, and at those words, she could just feel the mood at the table drop.

"The water as in Jirisan Spring Water?" Minjoo asks, and when Eunbi nods, guilt begins rising up within her knowing she promoted this product. She'd tried calling her agency the other day about it, but they said they were bound by contract to keep the ads up.

"Oh no... this is my fault. So many people probably drank it because of me..." She mumbles, prompting the others to quickly comfort her.

"No, you didn't know about it at the time, Min. It's not your fault." Chaewon says, giving her girlfriend's shoulder a supportive squeeze.

"Chaewon's right, Minjoo. Don't beat yourself up over it when we still have time to stop them." Eunbi adds before Yena brings up what everyone else was thinking.

"If it's going to be multiple attack points, that must mean they have a lot of androids, right? We can barely take out one of those model 5s, I don't like our chances at fighting off a whole army." The duck says.

"Yeah, we discussed that last night too. We have a couple days until the planned attack, so we should spend that time looking for where Kim Yong-bum is hiding. If we take him down, we can stop the attack before it even begins."

"And I don't suppose you have a lead on where that somewhere is?" Wonyoung asks in a hopeful tone.

"Uh... no. That's kind of where we started drawing blanks." The leader replies. That's when the sound of someone clearing their throat sends everyone's attention to Nako.

"Well, do we have some useful news for you then." The short girl announces.

"Yeah, last night, we got a call from Jurina. She gave us a location KYB might be at." Hitomi says before going over their talk.


Last night...

"Yah, it's been more than a week. Where have you been?" Nako asks.

"I was in a coma, remember? Sorry that I couldn't just wake up and call." Jurina bickers back.

"Enough of the arguing please. We're kind of short on time right now." Hitomi interjects. "Tell us what happened to you, Jurina. You fell unconscious with androids chasing you the last time we met."

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