xv. chronicles of a drunk gojo saturo pii

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If there was one thing that could make Mayumi relax, it was a nice little nap in the bathtub

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If there was one thing that could make Mayumi relax, it was a nice little nap in the bathtub. Especially when she had acted a little bit stupid. But had she really? She couldn't help but think of her every interaction with Goj-Satoru. If he had really assumed her to be easy, had he not taken advantage of her way earlier? If anything, he had been a perfect gentleman and she was the one who had asked him to kiss her.

Blast her stupidity!

Be like Megumi. She chanted in her head. Be like Megumi. Smart and indifferent. Totally not stupid and reckless.

Her thoughts went back to Okkotsu and how she had almost embarrassed herself in his presence with tears and how he had lent her his handkerchief and offered kind words. Kind words that she had expected to hear from him and yet wasn't she the one who hadn't even given him a chance to explain himself?

Foolish Mayumi. Very very foolish.

The bedroom door creaked and a sigh left her mouth. Was it her brother asking for something? Megumi had the habit of asking for pills or any medicines from her instead of getting it from the first aid box himself. With a sigh, she got up, wrapping a robe around her body.

"Gumi, what do you n-?"

The rest of her words were caught in her throat, her jaw dropping to the floor as she saw Satoru laying on her bed, his eyes half shut, a lazy smile on his face. She didn't need to be a genius to understand that he was drunk.


A smile crept on her lips. "Satoru. I thought you hated drinking."

"I was punishing myself."

Her eyebrows furrowed as she gently sat down next to him. "Why?"

"Because I made you cry."

His words stilled in her throat, her lips slightly parting in disbelief. Could it be ... could it be that he was serious? Mayumi sighed. Of course he'd be honest. He was awfully wasted.

"I didn't want to," he continued, trying to get up, "I just hated you going out with some other stupid man."

Oh God. She wanted to scream. He could have just said it to her then and spare both of them the whole debacle.


"I like you, sweet Mayumi," He grinned, the edges of his eyes crinkling up further, his eyes shining, "I like you more than that kid would ever."

She gasped softly before throwing herself in his arms, his arms wrapped around her waist, their breaths almost intermingling. "I think I like you too, Satoru."

"More than that kid?"

A laugh left her mouth as she nodded. "Much more."

His grin widened as he brushed his lips against hers. Softly. Gently. She kissed him back with much fervent, enjoying the feeling. She could almost taste the alcohol but she was too engrossed in the feel of his lips.

"I think I like the drunk Satoru more. He's much bolder and affectionate."

He buried his face in the crook of neck. "I think I prefer drunk Satoru too."

a/n : atp i think i should d word bc i take too much time uploading. i think writing slump is killing me BUT im trying guys. ALSO how many of u are watching the “a sign of affection” anime IT'S SO CUTE

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