Charlie and ella heart to heart/ warren lets charlie move in

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Ella's pov
Joel comes in and says " Charlie's at the folly, with his bags,he's moved out of Daren and nancys". Dad says " go on he needs a friend right now, get some chips each and tell him he can come over anytime". I hug dad and he gives me some monney and I leave to get the fish and chips . I go to the folly, he looks at me and smiles , I give him his fish and chips and we eat in scilience. After eating I say " what's going in, you've moved out". He says " to make room for jj and frankie, since they got here I've become invisible, I literally have nobody other than you". I say " and I'm never going to give up on you, please just tell me what's wrong I can tell it's something ". He looks at me and says " i have a hospital apointment tomorow, I've been experiencing some typical cancer symptoms and I don't know what to do". I say " I'm coming with you tomorow". He says " but scholl". I say " this is more important, I don't care about school, come on Charlie , this is serious, you need to tell Daren and Nancy ".

Charlie's pov
I don't know what I done to deserve a friend as amazing as Ella.  I look at her and say " I'm really scared, of ot so cancer, then That's it my life is over". She says " Charlie if it is, then your life is not over, I'll be with you every step of the way and I know you'll fight it, you're a lot stronger than you think".  I hug her and say " go on, you're dads probably worried, thanks for the food and the talk". she goes and I get a text from Tom saying, " you now you can talk to me anytime,mothers no space at ours sorry but I'm here if you need me". Warren comes and says " come on you're coming with me, Emma's told me evreything, you can move in,you're her best friend,she's doing up you're room as we speak". I look at him and say " thank you so much I know we have a history and I hurt her but I'm not going to do that again". Warren says " I knkw, of you were to get together then I'd spurt ot and if it is cancer then you have our support no matter what

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