Doctor Mike

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   "Mike? Mike?," a loud voicemail began to ring from a lone telephone on a counter. "We need you to get back to us as soon as possible. Something's just come to us and we'd really prefer to discuss over phone the full details? Thanks and get back at your earliest convenience" the voicemail finished. A few seconds after, however, another began. "Mike?? We'd really like to discuss something over he phone, do you think you can pick up?? Thanks, ciao," the next one coming to a close with another beep. And yet again, after a few seconds, a new one started. However, no one was in the house to hear it or respond. Mike, the owner of the house and phone, had already left the moment he heard the first voicemail 30 minutes ago, instead of just picking up the phone.

   Mike was in his car, zipping down the highway. The best way to describe his appearance was very formal: he wore black shoes, a white button up, and had reflective, bright glasses with bland rims. His hair was short and what little he did have was shiny. "I bet it's a major surgery," he pondered to himself, "and I bet they need my specific set of skills to get the job done." As his car weaved and ran down the highway, he attempted to take a bit of the morning toast he had hastily prepared. "I can't imagine if I mess up this ground-breaking procedure just because I was hungry," he uttered, finally beginning to pull into the hospital's loading dock. As he rushed to get out of his car, he popped his toast in his mouth. The patient could already be dead by now! What time is there to lose!! Mike was anxious but determined. This might just be... The biggest moment in his career!!!

   As he zoomed inside, speed walking with confidence, he gave a look to all of the staff. The staff looked back... Very confused, and just watched him as he dashed by. Mike stayed headstrong, though, for the sake of the patient. Eventually, a man in a coat walked up to Mile and began matching his speed. "Mike, we thought you were asleep?? You didn't return any of our calls!!" The man uttered. "Luke, in the heat of the moment the last thing I should do is call back!" Mike responded, turning a corner, with Luke following close behind. "Heat of WHAT moment??" Luke hurriedly responded, his loose brown curls waving as they walked. "The surgery of course! The patient could be dead!" Mike responded. With that, Like would suddenly grab Mike's shirt, and tug it, grinding them both to a dead stop. "WHAT surgery?!" Luke asked, causing Mike to whip around. "You guys left me a voicemail telling me that something came up! What else could it be besides a life-threatening surgery??" He asked, completely puzzled. Luke, however, stared in complete confusion. "We didn't even- how did you- nevermind. You weren't called for a surgery," Luke stated. Mike stared at him for a moment. "Then what?" He asked back, causing Luke to let out a long sigh.

   "You and me are tight, man. So try not to take the news I give you too harshly," Luke stated, which caused Mike's shoulders to slowly release. "Come on, out with it. We've gotta get moving," Mike sternly responded back, which garnered a deflated nod and lip bite from Luke. After a moment he looked Mike in the eyes, and said "you're being transferred tomorrow." After Luke said this, Mike's heart dipped. What? He was the greatest doctor there, the most brilliant mind they had. Why would he be transferred to a different hospital? "... What?? That... Has to be a mistake," Mike questioned. He expected Luke to laugh and say it was a joke, or for him to realize his mistakes, but Luke just stood there, looking down. It was clear that he was completely serious. "This doesn't make any sense, who told you that??" He uttered towards Luke, who seemed sad. "Well it wouldn't have reached me at all if any of the other staff could get a hold of you. It fell from the very top into my hands because they know I'm very close to you, as your nurse," he replied. Mike felt incredibly sad, this news was completely unexpected. But he needed more info.

   "Well, what's the new hospital I'm getting relocated to?" He asked, hoping for a prestigious, maybe even regal new location. After all he was very highly sought after in the industry, so it'd be a waste to not transfer him to a powerful new role. "Well," Luke began, "it's not a hospital. It's a pediatric clinic. Like... Um... A bit of a hole in the wall..." After this, Mike fell into even deeper hysterics. A... Clinic?! For... Children?! He couldn't believe it, he absolutely couldn't even comprehend it. "The salary?! How's the salary?!" Mike uttered in desperatation, wiping his forehead with a napkin. "No clue. But since it's a much smaller clinic... I wouldn't expect... You know... A crazy amount..." Luke nervously replied, reading into Mike's panic, which was slowly getting bigger. "But don't worry! You'll have a nurse on sight to assist you immediately!" Luke tried to state to calm Mike down, but the damage was already done. From a top doctor in a big name hospital to a small doctor in a nothing clinic... He didn't even care for kids!! And he couldn't even take the greatest nurse ever, Luke, with him! He couldn't help but heave desperately. "Where... Is it... Located?" Mike asked in weakness, which caused Luke to perk up. "That's the good thing! Only 5 minutes away from your home! It's right next to your apartment! In the heart of the city!" Luke excitedly stated. "Luke," Mike began, his glasses reflecting off of the grandiose white lights, "... I moved an hour away from that old dingy apartment, into the country, one year ago." "Ah," Luke uttered, as the two froze in place. An hour... Long... Drive away...

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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