Chapter One: Arrival

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      Valena smirked running through the dark ran down streets in her magenta high heels following her sister: who was looking for a place to create a portal to get out of here. Looking back, she could see the people who were after her were so far back, so couldn't help but smile wider. "Are they close!?" Ezra asked annoyed running faster and grabbing Valena's wrist "No quite the opposite! I can barely see them that's how far away we are." She said chuckling like a child when telling a dumb joke. Val could tell Ezra brightened up. They were about to pass an alley when Ezra made a quick sharp turn to hide, causing Val to trip over her heels. "Mmp!" she exclaimed after her face hit the cold hard concreate.  Ezra extended her long obsidian hand to help Val get up quicker and hide, it took her a quick second before grabbing her hand and hiding too.

      "Would you be able to help me make the portal, you're the one who wants to be a magical hoe" Ezra whispered on the other side of the alley hiding in the shadows. Her fake purple hair making her stand out, as well as her dark purple armored shirt and light sliver pants. "Of course," Valena whispered sighed, "How do we cast that spell again, and where to go?" "Place your left hand up slowly wave in a circle, and for your right hand you make a pentagram. And just to break it just hold your hands together. And we'll go somewhere on earth" Ezra explained, placing her hand in the formation, closing her eyes and started the spell. Valena did the same.  After what she guessed was a minute, she heard their feet get close to where they were 'hiding' opening her eye she saw the portal was only up to their hips. 'Even if we crouch it'd be too short!'  Val thought concerned. Looking at Ezra for what to do she saw Ezra was aware of that they were close. Saying nothing Eza bent her head towards the portal and ran over to Val to pick her up. "Ezra, I can walk myself!" she whispered aggressively Ezra responded by giving an annoyed look and looked down at her feet. Valena gave a 'forgot' look, as Ezra ran to the portal. Throwing Valena in the portal, before jumping in herself stopping the portal after they crossed through.  

      "Now where are we?" Ezra asked in a suspicious way examining the room. It was dark, and pretty torn apart: the one wooden table was covered in scratches with one leg missing a chunk out of it, the carpet was scratched up too, everything in the room was. Except the thick black curtains on the windows. "If we're safe I don't really care" Valena said standing "And did you really have to throw me through?" asking annoyed while dusting herself off. "Got you hear quicker, and less noise" Ezra stated calmly while going to exam the room for clues. "Do you think I could look for some new clothes, because I don't want to wear this" she said gesturing at her hot pink velvet leotard covered by a darker shade of pink corset, and light black stockings that barley covered up her white scars. "Hm, wait a bit, we should stay together since we're not sure where we are." Ezra responded looking at the carpet intensely.  Ezra realized quickly that there were muddy paw prints that were badly cleaned up, and giant snake prints on the bare wooden floor. "Take off your heels" Ezra said looking back to Valena who was already sitting on the floor taking the magenta heels off. "Already ahead of you" Valena smiled. "I see there's paw prints and a giant snake trail, this place is definitely not abandoned" Ezra answered pointing at the floor. Valena's eyes widened, as she grabbed her heel to use in case there was a fight. "I smell something, like....home?" Ezra said confused that a small stench of hell was here. Valena kept spinning her head around making sure they weren't they holding the thicker part of the heel, ready to smack an attacker in need be.  As the stench seemed to keep getting closer, they both realized it was coming from the north.  Valena lifted her heel higher, started letting out a hissing sound while opening her 'wings' which were basically just the bones that once held her charcoal wings, and Ezra crouched down grabbing a small knife out of her boot, and let out a hissing noise too. 

      Soon the door creaked open, revealing a human snake creature. Her top half was humanoid, with dark amber short messy hair, eyes covered by silvery glasses, a ripped denim jacket and a band t-shirt with her snake half was dark green. She was holding a cigarette and a lighter.  As quickly as she entered the room she looked up and hissed back "Who the fuck are ya two!? And what are ya!?" Valena lowered her heel and looked at Ezra What should we do about her?  Ezra glanced back We shouldn't attack but stay on guard"Answer my quessstion!" She hissed again rising up from the floor with her tail, "We're demons, specifically succubae" Valena answered not giving much away.  She lowered down a bit crossing her arms "Why are ya here, and again ya namessss" " I'm not going to answer the first one, but if you want our name why not give us yours?" Ezra asked a little sarcastically, and looked at Valena If she doesn't answer this then try to seduce her, she looks like a lesbian. Valena blinked annoyed at Ezra. "Why sssshould I? I don't trusst ya" She hissed. "Well, if you don't trust us enough to give us your name, then we don't trust you enough to give you our names" Valena answered. "In my defenssse you're holding a heel that looksss like it can puncture my head, and sssshe'sss holding a knife" She sighed pointing at each weapon. "Why should be drop ours, you're holding a lighter" Ezra snapped back quickly. Snake woman responded in a hiss rearing up again, and Ezra hissed too. Valena quickly rushed between them, holding her heel in her tail incase a fight broke out. "Both of you don't fight, we can all find a solution" Valena said calmly, leaning in towards Ezra "Plus we need a place to stay" she said more in a hissing tone.  "Why ask for a place to stay when we can just take it" She replied "Plus it's any easy fight won't take long" Ezra smiled back staring her future opponent with her eyes. "How about if we all drop our 'weapons', and some attitude we can avoid a useless battle and wasting time." Valena said straining to stay a calm even tone. 

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