who is that girl...

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Yanfei was a top legal adviser in liyue but lately she has been trying to catch a criminal who was roaming around stealing people's things one time she almost caught the criminal but they ran away. She tried to run after them but they were to fast so. She gave up until... One day she was walking in the streets of liyue until. She hears something screaming for help she looks around and she sees someone who got their bag stolen she turns around and. She sees the criminal she was chasing a few days ago and in their hand was the stolen bag. She starts running after the criminal while yelling

Yanfei:hey you! As the legal adviser of liyue I order you to stop criminal!

She continues chasing them into an alley unti she finally corners them and tackles them and pinning them on the ground

Yanfei:I finally got you! As the legal adviser of liyue you are under arrest for stealing.

She then takes the criminals mask off revealing a beautiful brown haired and red eyed girl. She blushes seeing her but snaps out of it and calls for the milelith to arrest her.

After a few minutes later the milelith come and arrests the girl after they arrest the girl and she was left alone in the alley blushing

Yanfei couldn't stop thinking about her brown hair and red eyes...

Yanfei: she's so beautiful... I have to find out who she is...

Gonna make chapter 2 at jan24 I have exams:/

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