11. Audience's Discussion

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After the audience agreed to move on with the BEYONDER, despite the fact some of them didn't want to leave the story behind.

The BEYONDER - OK, before we move on with more viewings of the other numerous alternate realities, I thought you could all use a quick break for now.

Eraserhead - Thank God, I didn't think I could handle anymore of everyone being so nosy & loud here.

Present Mic - Oh come on, eraser. This is not at all bad!

Midnight - Yeah, and besides you could use a break from your work once in a while.

The BEYONDER - Your friends are not wrong, but besides that what did you all think of these alternate universes?

Eri - Papa, you were amazing in all of them, but mostly in the hero universes. The rest kind of scares me, except for the doom universe I was a princess there.

Izuku - Aw, thanks Eri I appreciate that. You're always a princess to me.

Izuku's Future Harem - *Thinking*  AWW! / HOW CUTE! / WOULD I BE A GOOD MOTHER TO THAT ANGEL!

Kota - Well, I thought they were all awesome to me!

Izuku - Kota, I completely forgot about you, you didn't say much during all this.

Kota - I didn't want to interrupt anything and I wanted to stay by my parents.

Kota's Mother - Oh, Kota! It's ok if you want to go with your friends. As long as we're here, you don't need to worry about it.

Kota's Father - Yeah, we're glad to even be here, thanks to that BEYONDER guy.

Kota - But I want to stay with you 2 forever.

A moment later, the BEYONDER appeared behind the boy and grabbed his shoulder.

The BEYONDER - Little one, you must not feel bad now, because this moment is too great to damper. Besides as long as I'm around, nothing bad will happen to any one of you unless I have to.

Most of the audience got really terrified from that last part the BEYONDER had said.

The BEYONDER - Alright, I've got your response, but does anyone else have anything to say about these universes?

Uraraka - These were all really cool & interesting to watch!

Kaminari - Yeah, these were all really cool.

Mina - I know right!

Kirishima - I especially liked those hero universes!

The rest of Class 1A soon argued to what their classmates had said, as well as most of Class 1B.

Mirio - I really liked watching these universes, but my favorite would have to be the first one, the "Sentry". The sentry was a strong, iconic, and unstoppable hero in his world, he's someone that I would like to be one day.

Amajiki - You'll make it there, my friend. However, I rather prefer the heroic universes than the dark, corrupted, and terrifying universes.

Nejire - I love watching these universes, but wait how strong are they compared to the rest of us, how come no one has ever made the same achievements as him, is there anyone else like Midoriya out there in existence, and...

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