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Me and my family arrived here in jackson a couple months ago, i didnt had many friends or anything, i was like a nobody. My younger sister kayla always annoyed me and did a good Job in doing that.

As i was walking down the sweet streets from jackson i saw a girl who had Black hair playing with some kids on the playground, i walked towards them since i got nothing better to do.

"Hey, wassup?" I asked the girl.
"Oh, hey there." She answered with the kindest smile i ever seen.

"Im y/n, whats your name?"
I asked her, trying to Sound friendly.
"Oh im dina, its nice to meet you."
She answered.
"Its nice to meet you too."
We gave eachother a quick handshake and then pulled away.

Suddenly a snowball got thrown against my head, the kids started laughing as they found it funny.
I yelled, kinda annoyed.
"What the fuck?"
Dina said to the kids, facing them
"Im Not even playing!"
I groaned in Frustration.
The kids laugh was annoying.

"I should go."
I said before quickly turning away and leaving, fuck, these kids were driving me nuts, as ran down the streets i bumped into someone.
As i looked up i realized it was ellie.
Me and her didnt like eachother the second we saw.
"Watch where you going."
She growled.

"Yeah, sorry."
I rolled my eyes before standing up and cleaning my pants who where covered in snow.
"Maria told me we have patrol together by the way."
Ellie said, the corner of her lip forming into a smirk.
"Wait- what?"
My eyes widen when i realized i had to go to patrol with my worst enemy.
"Aw, come on, its going to be funny seeing you get eaten by an clicker."
Ellie grinned.
"Oh shut up..."

I looked down, my cheeks turned pink but... why?
"Oh? Is the little girl blushing?"
Ellie smirked and putted her Index finger under my chin and Lifted it up to Look into my eyes.
"Ugh! Your an idiot!"
I Yanked her hand away and sighed in annoyence.

"Come on, lets get going now."
Ellie said before turning around and walking away.
I quickly followed her.

[Sorry if there are any wrong speelings, im Not really good at writting, and this is my first Story so i dont know how it will actually come out]

enemies to lovers (ellie williams x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now