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Rain's POV

The road in front of me kept blurring because of the tears that showed no site of slowing down. I didn't seem to be able to control anything, neither my tears nor my life. I never expected that the man who I thought loved me with all his heart would get weary and tired of me. I always thought that even though I'm an idiot sometimes, I would always be his idiot that he would dote on and take care of. I never thought that my childish tantrums were such a nuisance to him that he would finally lose it and tell me to get away from him.

I keep racing down the road, as fast as the thoughts that keep running in my head. It feels like I'm not even present here and the one behind the wheel is someone else entirely. I couldn't even hear anything. And maybe that's why I didn't see the truck that seemed to have gone off track and was headed towards me. By the time I realized and tried controlling the car, it seemed that I wasn't even able to control that in time. My life flashed before my eyes as the truck drew nearer.

The car flipped and I seemed to roll around until the car came to a stop with the car upturned. I kept slipping in and out of consciousness. I felt like I was slipping away. I wish I could tell P'Phayu and Sky that the nuisance is gone from their life now. I hope they would live a good and happy life without me. I hope my absence will make their life much easier. I close my eyes with a smile, knowing that no matter what happens my good wishes and hopes will always be with them as I start drifting off into blackness. But I guess someone didn't want me gone yet and kept yelling in my ear.


I could hear her panicked voice and it somehow made me more coherent. I opened my eyes and looked at her although my vision seemed to be filled with spots. My dear sister seemed to look worse for wares.

"Oh, thank the heavens you are awake. We don't have time. Can you move your hands and feet?"

I tried and found that I could move my hands and one of my feet, although extremely painfully, but the other one was not responding.

"I... can... move my... hands but... one of my legs is not responding..."

"Okay, that's okay, now I will slice the belt. Hold on to the roof with your hands, try and break your fall and then I will pull you, try crawling out of the door. Can you do that for me?"

"I can try."

She took out a knife, cut off the belt and slowly and steadily helped me crawl out of the car. As soon as I was out, there was a weird noise that the car was making. Some parts of the car seemed to have caught on fire. I guess she noticed it at the same time. She cursed and apologized to me while carrying me like a child. Running as far away as we could I was looking back and saw my car was up in flames. I hid my face in her nape while she ran and sat near a tree at the side of the road so both of us be be away if there were any possible explosions.

She seemed to have lost all her strength and dropped me on the ground while slumping and resting on the tree. Both of us caught our breaths. The exhaustion and pain caught up to me and I fainted.

Snow's POV

I looked down at him faint and cursed again calling an ambulance and the police while keeping track of his pulse. All I wanted was to get him to the hospital as soon as possible. Once the paramedics arrived all I could hear was the sound of his heartbeat and I just kept concentrating on it.

Rain was taken into the emergency ward while I was told to wait outside. The only thing I could do was pray for the gods to at least leave my little brother. They had taken everything else away. I didn't care about anything. I just didn't, under any circumstances, want to lose him. I tried calming down and reasoning, the first thing I did was call Rain's mom. She seemed devastated once she heard what I said. She came as soon as she could. I gave her a small idea of what had happened and both of us waited.

After a long wait, the Doctor came out and told the family that Rain had some major injuries to his bones and a small trauma to his head. They still needed to rule out any internal injury although nothing seems to have surfaced yet. Since uncle looked completely out of it, I did the procedures that were required for his surgery and soon he was wheeled into the operation theatre. We waited and prayed. In between that, he needed blood immediately. I was the only one with the same blood type. I don't know how many hours we waited and how many wishes I made for him to come out alive and healthy. But finally, we saw the doctor come out.

"He is out of danger. He had a few fractured ribs and a fractured leg. Concussion and external trauma in some places. Luckily none of his organs were damaged. But we need to still observe him for a few days to see that the head trauma has not affected the brain and if there is any internal bleeding occurs. He will be transferred to the ICU first and once we are sure all his vitals are stable and there are no further problems, we will shift him to a room."

"It's all because of me, he has been worried since I shared the reports with him a few months ago. He has been so lost since that day. It's like I'm losing my boy slowly. It's all my fault. I've put so much stress on his little shoulders." Aunty kept sobbing into my shoulder.

I try comforting her. "Aunty it's not your fault. It was a shock to him and it does hurt but that is not the reason he had this accident. The truck came in front of him suddenly. He did try saving himself at the end but it was too late to get out of it without any injuries. It was not a suicide attempt; it was just an unfortunate accident. It has nothing to do with you or what has happened."

"How do you know? I know you are his twin but he is MY baby boy. It's been a long time since you lived with him, how can you possibly know? I know my son. My smiley little cinnamon roll's smile slowly dimmed in the last few months. The last month I have not seen him smile at all. I saw blood in his bathroom when I went to wash it and there was a razor with its blade out and blood on it last week. He does not seem to be meeting people or hanging out with anyone any more. I think he has started working as well. He comes home so tired and worn out that he doesn't even eat as much as he used to."

She screamed out at me. Once she was done, she looked like she was shocked by the way she spoke.

"I-I didn't mean to yell. I-I didn't mean to say yo-you don't know him well. I-I ju-just ah..."

"It's okay, I understand. You are just worried about him. You're his mom you know your child. But I'm telling you, don't underestimate your son. He is tenacious and strong-willed. He will never put his life in jeopardy. He loves you too much to leave you. He might be in the dumps but he won't resort to this."

She seemed to have understood my point and it made her calm down. All three of us were silent as the clock ticked behind us. I hope whatever happened in the evening was not the trigger to this accident because if it was, I'm going to have to break a few skulls. Emotional or physical be damned no one messes with a Kirigun offspring and especially not Snow Sarai Kirigun's brother.

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