Water and Glass

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The two men stood facing each other, an arms length apart.

Jeff couldn't be sure how they got to this point, or at least he couldn't remember right now. All he could think about was Alan's lips. He could see them moving but couldn't hear the words. Alan's dark hair had fallen gently over his left eye and Jeff had the urge to brush it away with his finger tips. 


They'd stopped moving.


Looking expectantly in Jeff's direction. Shit, maybe Alan had asked a question that was awaiting a response.

Then Jeff was moving in what seemed like slow motion. The distance between them wasn't great but it seemed to take an age for Jeff to reach the gorgeous man in front of him. His body seemed to be moving without instruction, hands placing gently on Alan's shoulders. The height discrepancy between them more evident now, Jeff's heals effortlessly left the security of the floor as his face edged towards Alan's. 

Jeff's lips brushed against the older Uncle's, soft but sure. If Jeff hadn't closed his eyes he would have seen Alan's widen in surprise. They remained still, heads slightly at an angle, lips connected. 

He felt it on his neck first, the soft brush of fingertips under his shirt collar, then on his cheek. Simultaneously he felt Alan's lips part, taking Jeff's in slowly. Following his lead, Jeff opened his mouth wider, giving Alan the access he so obviously was asking for.

Tongues crashed together with a passionate intensity. Jeff increased his head tilt to deepen the kiss and Alan mirrored his movement. A fire stirred in the pit of his stomach, something he hadn't felt in a long time, if ever maybe? Had he ever been kissed like this?

If he only knew that he had ignited that same fire within Alan.

A second hand touched his face, caressing his hair, sending shots of electricity bursting through his veins. He answered his own question. No, he had never been kissed like this before. 

He didn't want it to end but something made him pull back. Alan's eyes remained closed, only for a second or two but it gave Jeff the chance to take in the sight before him. 

Had he really made this man look weary after just one kiss?

Alan's eyelids slowly opened, his eyes looking directly into those of the beautiful kid standing before him. He guessed he shouldn't call him that anymore. The kid spoke.

"Shouldn't we get to know each other a bit more? That was just a first kiss"

Jeff's words hung in the air, suspended momentarily in the hazy lust that filled the space between them.

Jeff's left arm reached out and his fingers laced around Alan's wrist, pulling him gently whilst he walked backwards towards the bathroom.

When the kid stopped suddenly, their chests crashed together, their faces almost touching again. Jeff's hands reached Alan's shoulders, fingers slipping underneath his open shirt then sliding down his toned arms, taking the shirt with them.

Alan's hands found the soft skin of Jeff's cheeks for a second time as he gently smashed his lips into the younger man's, unable to stop himself. The kiss felt desperate this time, like nothing would be enough to satisfy either one of them. Tongues slashed as lips moved wide and fast. Hands pulling blindly at pieces of clothing, buttons and buckles. Another shirt fell to the floor as they started to move once again, creeping backwards, guided by Alan's sure knowledge of the room layout.

Jeff's hands slid south encouraging Alan's dark blue denim jeans to fall to the floor. He then moved his hands to force his own jeans down as Alan's were too busy caressing his hair and neck. He didn't want him to stop. Their kiss grew more intense, heads switching angles as they continued to edge further through the room towards the bathroom which was now directly behind Jeff.

Pitbabe One Shot Alan and Jeff - Water and Glass SmutWhere stories live. Discover now