A Johnny Ringo Story

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Curly Bill and his band of cowboys enjoy dining at the restaurant you work at as a waitress. They come in often and adore and appreciate a beautiful woman bringing them their chuck. You always have a smile on your face and an uplifting word and they feel so lucky to have you working there. The cowboys notice how some of the male patrons try to flirt with you and when you appear uncomfortable, all it takes is a look from Curly Bill or Ringo to settle them down and you appreciate that!

On this evening, the restaurant is more crowded than usual and Curly and Ringo see how busy you are and they can't help but admire how you gracefully move through your tables and how easy you make waiting tables look. They know you are tired and they often wish they could do your job for you while you rest; but they come to this restaurant for more than just the chuck. They enjoy you, watching you work and want to be there in case you may need their swift intervention.

"Well, how is the lovely lady today?" Curly Bill asks, trying to lay the charm on you. He sees how you look at Ringo and although he can't help but be somewhat jealous, he understands how tough it is for Ringo to let his guard down. In some ways, Curly wishes for Ringo to meet a lovely woman who will bring the gunfighter out of his darkness. Curly sees you as that woman and he hopes something can bloom for his best friend who he can't help but feel pity for.

"I'm great!" You answer. "How's the King of the Cowboys today?" You wink at Curly Bill and he is suddenly blushing with pride.

Ringo tips his hat and gazes into your eyes; the most beautiful eyes he has ever seen.

"What can I get for you boys?" You ask, with a winning smile on your face.

The boys order their usual; beef, mashed potatoes, beans and large buttery biscuits. You smile and head to the kitchen.

When you return with a tray of hot plates filled with the cowboy's favorites, they notice a drunkard touch your leg. Since your arms are full, you are unable to do anything and this causes the cowboys to become agitated and annoyed. Ringo and Curly flash the patron a look that suggests, "you mess with her, you mess with us!"

The brazen customer ignores their warning and scoffs at the cowboys. You smile as if to say thank you and they tip their hats and nod. You put their plates in front of them and leave, the buffoon taps your butt and winks at Ringo, who is ready to shoot the bastard.

Moments pass and the cowboy gang enjoy their dinner while keeping an eye on you! You return to check on the boys and when you turn, the same drunkard stands before you. Curly takes a napkin and wipes his mustache and then looks at Ringo, who is staring intently at the customer as if there is no one else around except the three of you. "What are you lookin at, rustler?" The man asks, putting his hands around your waist. At this point, Curly and the other boys know this idiot is as good as dead. The Cowboys all understand how touchy Ringo is when it comes to women; just disrespecting a woman who cause the gunfighter to take his rage out by beating the hell out of them. The other cowboys start to move, but Curly looks at them as if to say, "Ringo's got this, boys."

"I ain't looking at anything," Ringo begins. "Cept a beautiful woman being harassed by a saphead like yourself."

"And what are you gonna do about it?" The man answers, pulling you close to him. You resist and try to pull away, but the slug won't quit. He pulls you close and lays a sloppy kiss on you. "You like that and you know you like it!" He then tries to pull your dress up.

At that moment, Ringo stands up and faces his adversary. "We can do this in or out. Either way, you're never going to put your hands on Y/N again!"

"Them fightin words, rustler!" The man pulls your face and tries to kiss your lips. You pull away and move close to Ringo. The entire place goes quiet as people watch the two men facing each other. They all know who Ringo is and they almost feel pity for the poor gambler who made the mistake of disrespecting a woman...And right in front of him. Ringo adores women and believes women are angelic and loving beings who have the power to exorcise demons from a man's soul; women were the only people who ever truly showed him love and Ringo is not without tremendous gratitude. Women are delicate and lovely and Ringo would do anything to have a good woman in his life to free him from his unbearable guilt and shame.

"She don't belong to nobody!" The man says. "You wanna fight over her?" Ringo doesn't hesitate and some of the other customers get up quickly and leave the restaurant, knowing what could happen. Once Ringo was pushed enough, there is no turning back! Ringo pulls his pistol and shoots the poor bastard point blank. Blood exits the guy's head and lands on a customer standing nearby.

"OH!" He shouts. "You shot me too?"

Ringo shakes his head..."You ain't shot. But this poor fellow is never going to disrespect Y/N or any other woman ever again. He twirls his gun and puts it back in the holster. He then moves to you and you fall into his arms. Some customers look on in shock. "Isn't that Johnny Ringo, the deadliest pistoleer?"

You are trembling with fear and Ringo holds you closer. "It's alright. You're safe now." He whispers in your ear, "you will always be safe when I am with you." You look up at him with tears welling in your beautiful eyes. Ringo feels beyond blessed when he wipes those tears from your eyes while stroking your hair. "I always feel alright when I am with you," Johnny, you whisper At that moment, Ringo feels he can take on the world! He is as grateful to you as you are to him. Curly Bill stands up and cheers. "Three cheers for Ringo and Y/N!" The other cowboys join in and Ringo, in spite of himself finds he is feeling great; he dazzled you and made you feel safe and making women feel safe is something Ringo values over most of other things. He offers to take you home. You tell him that you still have two hours on the clock. He smiles and says, "You got the rest of the day off!" With that, you beam and jump into his arms. He is taken aback at how happy he feels. The two of you leave together and he ensures you are home safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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Tempted By A Gunslinger: A Johnny Ringo Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now