💊Part One💊

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Me and my brother Ponyboy were walking home from the movie theater. We walked in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence, though. Then again, you could never have an awkward silence with a boy like Pony. A Mustang pulled up behind us and one guy yelled, "Hey Greasers! Get over here!" And they began chasing us to our house. They almost hit us when they got out of their car.  Two of them ganged up on Pony while the other two ganged up on me. I wasn't worried about me, though. I could take these guys. I was only worried about Ponyboy. I fought them and won, just like I knew I would. I was debating on whether I should go get soda from work, but I figured by the time I got him, Pony would be dead. So I panicked and called everyone I knew. Eventually, Darry and Dal came out and got the socials to leave us alone. Pony had a slight cut on his neck, it was clear that the socials were trying to kill him. Johnny was out too, although he didn't even try to help Pony. I don't blame him,though. Johnny had already been through enough.

Darrel started to shake Ponyboy and said, "Are you ok kid?" I could see the look of fear and disgust in Pony's eyes. " Darry stop! You're gonna make the kid puke!" I said, pushing him off. I looked at pony. "You alright Pony?" He nodded,"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. What about you?" "I'm fine. I was more worried about you." I looked at the cut on his neck. "You got a nasty cut. They pull a blade onto you?" I said as I took a closer look. "Let's take you inside so I can clean up your cut." He pushed my hand away. " I'll be fine, I don't need you babying me all the time!" "If I don't clean it, it will get infected,so get inside and let me clean it!" I said firmly. "Will you quit treating me like I'm a little kid?! You act like your five years older than me when really you're only five minutes older!" Pony said raising his voice at me. "I'm just trying to look out for you!" I said almost yelling."Okay, well stop! I don't need you to protect me! I can look after myself!" He shouted at me. "Well considering the fact that without me you would be dead says otherwise!" I shouted back. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Pep, why don't you go take a breather before you end up stabbing someone." I heard Sodapop say. When he got there, I don't know, but I was to worked up to worry about that. I let out a frustrated sigh and walked off. As I walked I thought about what happened. Pony never said anything like that before. Sure we've gotten into arguments before, but nothing like this. It was like I was seeing a hole new person. I just wish he could see everything I did was because I loved and wanted to protect him. I may only be older by five minutes but I will forever act like I'm five years older. That's one thing that will never change.

OTHER PARTS ARE BEING MADE sorry for this inconvenience. Luv y'all🖤

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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